the invention of the telegraph

  • The first electric telegraph is created using static electricity

  • The invention of the first American Telegraph

    The invention of the first American Telegraph
    David alter developed the first American Telegraph
  • opening the first telegraph office

    opening the first telegraph office
    The first telegraph office opens in Washington DC
  • the telegraph expands to pensylvania

  • The first transatlantic telegraph cable between North America and Europe starts operation, but fails after three weeks; a reliable new cable is not established until 1866.

  • Australia is linked to the world system by a submarine telegraph line between Darwin and the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia)

  • The first trans-Pacific line links Brisbane, Australia to Vancouver, Canada (via Fiji and Norfolk Island)

  • Western Union discontinues telegram services. Indian company BSNL continues telegraphic service into 2013.

  • Steve Jobs announced iPhone at the Macworld convention