The Invasion of Poland

By KHolon
  • Blitzkrieg

    In 1939 Germany unleashed this idea of "lightning war" on Europe. This style of warfare combined several technologies- aircraft, tanks, parachutes, and radios to produce a highly mobile, fast moving army that could coordinate multiple attacks, break through lines, and rapidly enemy positions
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    A Month after the Munich Conference, Hitler demands that the city of Danzig be returned to German control. Although Danzig was more than 90% German, it had been part of Poland since the first world war. Hitler also demands for highways and railroads across the Polish Corridor, an area that separated western Germany from German state of East Prussia
  • Address by Adolf Hitler

    "As a National Socialist and as German soldier I enter upon this struggle with a stout heart. My whole life has been nothing but one long struggle for my people, for its restoration, and for Germany. There was only one watchword for that struggle: faith in this people. One word I have never learned: that is, surrender."
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    When it began

    In May 1939, Hitler ordered the German army to prepare to invade Poland. On September 1, 1939, Germany Invaded Poland. Two days later, Britain and France declared war on Germany. World War 2 had begun! During the invasion Poland's army was simply outdated. They rode on horses and carried lances against German tanks. Germans used a new style of warfare "blitzkrieg" using massed tanks to break through encircle enemy positions. The Polish were unable to keep up resulting in Germany's victory.