Period: to
The interwar years
Benito Mussolini is made Premier of Italy
King Victor Emmanuel declares Mussolini premier in an attempt to head off violent conflict between the Fascists and the Communists. Mussolini chose to take germany's side in WW2, which killed many people. -
Vladimir Lenin dies, and Joseph Stalin takes over
Lenin's death leaves some question as to who will be his successor. Joseph Stalin eventually beats out Leon Trotsky to take control of the Soviet government. Stalin becomes evil and some say even worse that hitler, killing millions. -
German Chamber of deputies accepts the Dawes Plan
The Dawes Plan restructures the schedule of German reparations payments so as to reduce the amount of annual payments, and grants Germany a large loan. United States makes more money back by strategically giving out loans. Ends up creating a huge depression. -
Joseph Pilsudski becomes the Virtual Dictator of Poland
Spanish Monarchy overthrown, republic is born
A provisional government is established to take Spain from monarchy to republicanism. This helps to spread the idea a repiblic around the world and is a major event for Spain. -
Joseph Stalin's Great Purge
Hitler appointed by Chancellor of Germany
In an attempt to reel in the chaos of the German government, President Paul von Hindenburg declares Hitler chancellor, the first major step in Hitler's ascent to dictatorship. Hitler is the reason for WW2 and killed millions. -
Spanish Nationalists begin Spanish Civil War
Generals Goded, Mola, and Francisco Franco lead troops in rebellion against the republic, sparking the Spanish Civil War. Nationalists will prevail making Spain a better country. -
Munich Pact signed
Spanish Civil War ends