Treaty Of Versailles
The Treaty of Versailles was signed after World War 1 and gave the Allied powers land that was gained by Germany, as well as a huge sum of money that Germany was forced to pay off. -
League of Nations
The League of Nations was created as an organization for the Allied powers aimed at solving international disputes, and was based in Geneva, Switzerland. At first, the United States did not join, and the Soviet Union and Germany were not allowed to participate. -
Communist International
The Communist International was aimed at promoting the idea of a world revolution, but also served as a way for the Soviet Union to spectate the international communist movement. Vladimir Lenin also led the Bolshevik seizure of power in Russia and afterwards held a congress of the Communist International and focused on eliminating people trying to revive the socialist Second International -
Fascism in Italy
Benito Mussolini was an Italian journalist who staged an uprising to remove the elected officials in the Italian government and later he becomes Prime Minister of Italy. His actions influenced many people such as Adolf Hitler, who tried to follow what Mussolini did. -
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The Hopeful Years
The Hopeful Years were a time of good feelings in which most European countries were recovering and the US was helping. The Dawes plan and the Young plan were set in place by the US to help settle debt between Germany and many European countries -
Stalin Comes to Power
After Vladimir Lenin died, many people were contending to run the country, however Stalin was the most popular choice by the communist party supporters. Stalin told the people that his rival, Trotsky, was trying to split the Soviet Union because of his Jewish heritage. Trotsky was largely unpopular and later exiled. Stalin the replaced all government positions with loyal communist party members. When Stalin came to power, he used violence to make sure he stayed in power -
The Depression
The 1929 stock market crash in the United States caused Europe to fall into a depression as well. The US was thriving after the war because of the rising economy, so the US supported Europe while recovering from the war. However, after the US fell into a depression, the support ended and Europe also went into a depression -
Japan Invades Manchuria
Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931 because of a need for raw materials to fuel growing industries. By 1937, Japan controlled parts of China. Japan and the Soviet Union eventually fought which resulted in a loss for the Japanese. -
The Third Reich
Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany and gained complete control over the Nazi party.Hitler tried to overthrow the Wiemar Republic but was unsuccessful. Hitler was arrested in which he wrote a book outlining the beliefs of the Nazi party. When he got out, He took over government and appointed Nazi members to government positions, and gained full control over Germany. -
Germany Goes Rogue
After Adolf Hitler took power, the German government withdrew from the League of Nations, after which Germany developed a huge military