The interwar years 1919-1939 By maxi_0711 Period: Jun 1, 1919 to Dec 31, 1939 InterWar Years 1919-1939 Jun 28, 1919 The treaty of Versailles is Signed treaty of versaille Nov 1, 1921 The Washington Conference is Held confrence Oct 30, 1922 : Benito Mussolini is Made Italian Premier mussolini Nov 9, 1923 The Beer Hall Putsch Beer hall putsch Jan 21, 1924 Vladimir Lenin Dies vladimir May 11, 1924 The Cartel des Gauches wins the French election The Cartel Dec 1, 1925 The Locarno Pacts are Signed Apr 14, 1931 Spanish Monarchy is Overthrown and The Republic is born overthrow Jan 30, 1933 Hitler is Appointed Chancellor of Germany hitler Mar 23, 1933 The German Reichstag Passes the Enabling act world war Apr 25, 1937 Spanish Nationalists Bomb Guernica guernica Jul 17, 1937 The Spanish Nationalists Begin the Spanish civil war spanish war Sep 18, 1938 The Munich Pact is Signed munich Mar 30, 1939 The Spanish Civil War Ends spanish war ends Sep 3, 1939 Britain and France Declare War on Germany declar war