The Interwar Years

By pbush25
  • Hitler Was born

  • Kuomintang Party formed in China

  • Weimar Republic began to govern germany

  • May 4th Movement in China

  • Treaty of Versailles signed

  • Formation of the Nazi Party

  • Washington Naval Conference Convened

  • Mussolini Marches on Rome

  • Stalin takes power in USSR

  • Lenin renames Russia

  • Hitler attempts to sieze Munich

  • Dawes Plan in effect

  • Mein Kampf Written

  • Locarno Pact signed

  • Lucky Lindy flies across the Atlantic

  • Japan signs Kellogg-Briand Pact

  • Young Plan in effect

  • Great Depression Begins

  • Japan invasion of Manchuria begins

  • Japanese invasion of China

  • Franklin Roosevelt elected

  • Hitler became Chancelor of Germany

  • 40% Unemployment in Germany

  • Reichstag took place

  • Enabling Act passed in Germany

  • New Deal put into affect

  • Night of the Long Knives

  • "Long March" in China

  • Social Security Act passed in the US

  • Nuremberg Laws passed in Germany

  • Mussolini invades Ethiopia

  • Germany occupies the Rhineland

  • Popular Front government elected in France

  • Spanish Civil war began

  • Anschluss between Germany and Austria

  • Munich Agreement

  • Kristallnacht takes place in Germany

  • German-Russian nonaggression pact signed