
The interwar period

  • Germany / Founding NSDAP / Weimar republic

    Germany / Founding NSDAP / Weimar republic
    The National German Socialist Workers Party, better known as the Nazi Party, was a political party that existed in Germany between 1920 and 1945.
    Originally called the German Workers Party, in 1920 its name was changed to the German National Socialist Workers Party, whose abbreviation in German was "Nazi". Hand in hand with Adolf Hitler, this party came to power in 1933.
  • Italy / Founding of National Fascist Party / Monarchy of Victor Emmanuel III

    Italy / Founding of National Fascist Party / Monarchy of Victor Emmanuel III
    National Fascist Party (Partito Nazionale Fascista) (PNF) was an Italian political party, the highest expression of fascism and the only legal party during the dictatorship of Benito Mussolini between 1928 and 1943. The PNF was founded in Rome on November 7, 1921 on the initiative of Mussolini when the Fasci italiani di combattimento became a party.
    Italy ended the First World War in the victors' block but its situation was similar to that of the defeated countries.
  • Italy / March on Rome / Monarchy of Victor Emmanuel III / Benito Mussolini, il duce of Italy

    Italy / March on Rome / Monarchy of Victor Emmanuel III / Benito Mussolini, il duce of Italy
    General discontent, social violence, the confrontation between communists and socialists, unemployment, strikes, the weakness and corruption of the political system brought to power a fascist party founded just three years before and led by a born leader, Benito Mussolini .
    The Fascist Party had a spectacular progression since 1920.
  • Germany / French occupation of the Ruhr / Weimar republic

    Germany / French occupation of the Ruhr / Weimar republic
    Occurred between January 11, 1923 and August 25, 1925, it was a Western military action due to the impossibility of the Weimar Republic to assume its obligations in the payment of war indemnities after the defeat of the German Empire after the In accordance with the treaty of Versailles, French and Belgian troops occupied the industrial basin of the Ruhr, in retaliation.
  • USSR / Death of Lenin / End of Lenin, beginning of the Power Struggle (Trotsky / Stalin)

    USSR / Death of Lenin / End of Lenin, beginning of the Power Struggle (Trotsky / Stalin)
    Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov (Lenin), communist leader and founder of the Soviet Union, died on January 21, 1924, in Moscow, at the age of 53 years.
    Lenin had led the October Revolution where the Soviets overthrew the provisional government (Successor of Tsar Nicholas II).
    On January 21, 1924 Lenin died. The official cause dictated by the government was cerebrovascular accident (stroke, it was the third one that suffered). But many historians questioned or investigated more about his death.
  • USA / The Dawes Plan / Roaring twenties

    USA / The Dawes Plan / Roaring twenties
    The Dawes Plan is a program established on April 9, 1924, under the auspices of the United States to get the victorious allies of the First World War (especially Britain, France, and the US) to get their repairs war established in the Treaty of Versailles, while at the same time sought to stabilize the economy of Germany and avoid further damage as a result of such payments.
  • USSR / Forced collectivisation. Gulags / Stalin's dictatorship

    USSR / Forced collectivisation. Gulags / Stalin's dictatorship
    Collectivization was a policy set in motion by Losif Stalin between 1928 and 1933, to consolidate land under popular control and labor in collective exploitation farms and state farms.
    The Gulag or GULAG was the branch of the NKVD that ran the penal system of forced labor camps and many other police functions in the Soviet Union. The Gulag was officially created on April 25, 1930 and dissolved on January 13, 1960.
  • USA / Black Thursday / Start of the Great depression

    USA / Black Thursday / Start of the Great depression
    On October 24, 1929 the worst financial crisis of the twentieth century broke out on the New York Stock Exchange. The signs of weakness in the economy and the artificial rise in values ​​due to speculation were the main ingredients of the collapse.
    The crisis passed from the financial sector to the industrial sector and from the United States to the rest of the world. The episode marked the beginning of the Great Depression, the greatest economic crisis of modern capitalism.
  • Germany / Reichstag fire / Nazi dictatorship

    Germany / Reichstag fire / Nazi dictatorship
    The attack was the pretext to suppress constitutional rights, to persecute thousands of opponents and to impose a totalitarian regime on the part of Hitler. Then, they pressured President Hindenburg to call an early election on March 5. In the middle of the electoral campaign, full of irregularities and coercion, the seat of the German parliament was destroyed by flames. It was the night of February 27, 1933.
  • USA / President Roosevelt / New deal

    USA / President Roosevelt / New deal
    His effective presidency, begun on March 4, 1933, was a milestone in the history of the country.
    Roosevelt's mandate was innovative from the start: the establishment of his program, known as the 'New Deal', was an authentic political revelation. The country, submerged in the Great Depression, needed immediate solutions and he knew how to find them. The government was constituted as an effective instrument of economic and social change.
  • Germany / Hitler, Führer and Chancellor of the Third Reich

    Germany / Hitler, Führer and Chancellor  of the Third Reich
    In 1934 the president of the German Republic, Paul von Hindenburg, died. This one, had commissioned in January of the previous year the formation of cabinet to the leader of the Nazi Party, Adolf Hitler. The death of Hindenburg was taken advantage of by Hitler to declare the presidency of the republic and to assume it together to the chancellery in the new position of Führer, the "guide" of the German town. A new dictatorial regime, the Third Reich, had begun
  • Italy / Invasion of Ethiopia / Benito Mussolini, il duce of Italy

    Italy / Invasion of Ethiopia / Benito Mussolini, il duce of Italy
    The Italian Invasion of Ethiopia, also called the Second Italo-Ethiopian War, was a seven-month armed conflict between October 1935 and May 1936. It is seen as a sample of the expansionist policy that characterized the Axis Powers and the inefficiency of the League of Nations before the outbreak of World War II.