The invention of the Steam Engine
The invention of the stem engine was a very significant invention in the industrial Revolution because it was the first proper invention of travel. Before the invention of the steam engine people travelled by horse or by foot. -
The Spinning Jenny was Invented
James Watt improves the steam engine.
The telegraph was invented
The invention of the telegraph was a very significant event as without the invention the telephone also would not have been invented. The telephone was also one of the first technological ways of communicating across long distances. -
The Sewing Machine was invented
The significance of the invention of the sewing machine is that many people were fired after the sewing machine was invented in 1846 as the job of a person that had to be paid was now replaced by a robot that would do the work for free and never complained. -
Dynamite is invented
The invention of dynamite was really significant because people use dynamite in warfare and also for mining purposes. If we didn't have dynamite in todays world mining would be so much harder because everyone would have to use pick axes to mine -
Louis Pasteur develops vaccines for diseases.
Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone.
The telephone was invented on the 10th of March 1876. By Alexander Graham Bell, Alexander invented the telephone with the intentions of helping the hearing impaired. -
Orville Wright makes the first powered airplane flight.
Henry Ford creates the Model T.