The industrial revolution

  • First steam engine

    Inventor: Thomas Newcomen ( English)
    IT was a machine used to pump Water out of mines
  • Improved steam engine

    Inventor : James Watt ( Scottish)
    IT was a machine used to power all sorts of machiner, like locomotives
  • Spinning jenny

    Inventor : James Hargreaves ( English)
    It's an engin which produces multiple spools of threads simultaneously
  • Spinning mule

    Inventor : Samuel Compton (British)
    The same as the spinning jenny but improved
  • Power loom

    Inventor: Edmund Cartwright ( English)
    The same as the spinning jenny but improved
  • Cotton gin

    Inventor : Eli Whitney
    IT was a machine used to remove the loose cotton lint to prevent jams
  • Gas street lighting

    Inventor : William Murdoch
    IT was the first machine to make extensive use of coal gas for illumination
  • Electromagnet

    Inventor : William Sturgeon
    IT the first electromagnet capable of supporting more than it's own weight
  • Steam hammer

    Inventor: James Nasmyth
    IT was a machine used for tasks such as shaping forgings and driving piles
  • Bessemer process

    Inventor: Henry Bessemer ( British)
    IT was a process used to produce cheaper Steel