Jethro Tull
Invented the seed drill, which planted seeds by machine, not by hand. -
Thomas Newcomen
Invented the steam engine. The steam engine helped pump water out of the coal mines. -
John Roebuck
Invented Sulpheric acid, whcih helped some fertilizers. This made food grow faster. -
James Hargreaves
Invented the spinning Jenny. The spinning Jenny helped with weaving fabrics, which made making clothes a lot easier to do. -
Robert fulton
Invented the steamboat. This helped transport goods and it helped people travel. -
Richard Arkwright
Invented the spinning frame. This helped spin fabric faster, and make clothes faster. -
James Watt
Invented the photocopier. This made it easy to copy photos in a fast manner. -
Edmund Cartwright
Invented the power loom. This was basically power for the people. They used it in their homes because it was basically a source of electricity for them -
Eli Whitney
Whitnety invented the cotton gin. This seperated the fabrics of cotton so it was eaiser to make clothes. They didnt have to seperate it by hand, they just had to make the clothed by hand. -
George Stephenson
Invented the steam locomotive. This was an easy way of transportation. It is today's train. -
Elias Howe
Invented the sewing machine. This helped make clothes, faster, and easier. -
Cyrus Field
Invented the telegraph cable. This ran under the atlantic ocean, and was able to telegraph people froim different countries.