The Industrial Revolution

  • Steam Engines

    Steam Engines
    Invented by Thomas Newcomen. First steam engine pumped water out of coal mines.
  • The Flying Shuttle

    The Flying Shuttle
    Invented by John Kay. It sped up the weaving process.
  • Modern Steam Engine

    Modern Steam Engine
    Revised by James Watt. Used horsepower.
  • Spinning Jenny

    Spinning Jenny
    Invented by James Hargreaves. Speeds up the spinning process.
  • Power Loom

    Power Loom
    Invented by Edmund Cartwright. Has water powered spindles that makes 200 times more cloth.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    Invented by Eli Whitney. Sorted the cotton from their seeds.
  • First Electric Battery

    First Electric Battery
    Invented by Alexandro Volta.
  • First Steamboat

    First Steamboat
    Invented by Robert Fulton.
  • Electric Generator

    Electric Generator
    Invented by Michael Faraday.
  • Telegraph

    Invented by Samuel Morse. Created a way to communicate.
  • Telephone

    Invented by Alexander Graham Bell. Created a new way of communication without having to decode anything.
  • Lightbulb

    Invented by Thomas Edison
  • Internal Combustion Engine

    Internal Combustion Engine
    Invented by Étienne Lenoir and Nikolaus Otto. Heat engine, more efficient.
  • First Commercial Automobile

    First Commercial Automobile
    Diesel engine powered larger vehicles.
  • Wireless Telegraph Radio

    Wireless Telegraph Radio
    No longer need cords to communicate, instead using radio waves.
  • First Airplane

    First Airplane
    Invented by Orville and Wilbur Wright.
  • Assembly Line

    Assembly Line
    Invented by Henry Ford to build his Model T.