By Stanás
  • Rotherham plough

    Rotherham plough
  • Kay's flying shuttle

    Kay's flying shuttle
  • Spinning machine/ Spinning Jenny

    Spinning machine/ Spinning Jenny
  • What's steam engine

    What's steam engine
  • Adam Smith: The Wealth of Nations

    Adam Smith: The Wealth of Nations
  • threshing machine

    threshing machine
  • Cartwright's power loom

    Cartwright's power loom
  • first comercial steam boat

    first comercial steam boat
  • Luddism (1811-1817)

    Luddism (1811-1817)
  • mechanical reaper

    mechanical reaper
  • first trade unions

  • Stephenson's steam locomotive

  • Grand National Consolidated Trade Union

  • Bessemer converter steel manufacturing

  • First International