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The Indian Ocean Trade Passage - The Classical Period

  • 1000 BCE

    Iron Metallurgy

    Iron Metallurgy is known in North Africa, Southeastern Europe, & North Africa.
  • 1000 BCE

    Aryan People

    This is when Aryan people began to settle in India.
  • 1000 BCE


    At this time, bananas began to be traded from Africa to China and also other parts of the Middle East.
  • 1000 BCE

    Beginning of Classical Era

    The time where the Classical Era across the Indian Ocean begins.
  • 1000 BCE


    Askum Kingdom was rich in the time they existed. They traded extensively to Greece and other foreign regions. They were in control of African Gold and ivory trade.
  • 1000 BCE


    Phoenicians dominated both trade and travel during the first millennium of BCE. They imported and exported items such as wine, olives, olive oil, spices, wheat, honey, cedar wood and metals.
  • 1000 BCE

    Sugar Cane

    Sugar Cane originated in Southeast Asia, but by 1000 BCE it reached India. Here it was cultivated on a much larger scale. By the end of the Classical Era, sugar was known in Persia.
  • 907 BCE

    The Silk Roads & China

    China had developed strong ties along the Silk Roads.
  • 800 BCE

    Rise of the Nubian Kingdom

    Nubia dominates Egypt. The Zhou Kingdom ends in China.
  • 771 BCE

    Zhou Kingdon

    The Zhou Kingdom ends in China
  • 600 BCE

    Iron Metallurgy

    Iron Metallurgy is known in China
  • 507 BCE

    Roman Republic

    The Roman Republic begins
  • 500 BCE

    Camel Saddle

    The camel saddle was developed in Northern Arabia, allowing camels to transport more goods for trading.
  • 500 BCE

    Trading Post

    Hanno sailed around the western coast of Africa in which he established colonies and a trading post off the coast of Mauritania.
  • 500 BCE

    Greeks and Romans Enter

    Greek and Roman sailors and traders began to enter the Indian Ocean which added additional goods and innovations.
  • 500 BCE


    Cinnamon and Cassia arrived at the Gulf of Aden
  • 465 BCE

    Exploration of the West African Coast

    Hanno explore the West African coast
  • 300 BCE

    Indian Subcontinent

    The Indian subcontinent was central as a producer and consumer in this vast network.
  • 300 BCE

    Trans-Saharan Trade

    Land Based trade routes in Northern Africa were established through the Sahara which allowed for more trading.
  • 300 BCE

    Oceanic Trading System

    Oceanic trading system in place across Afro-Eurasion continents by the last centuries of BCE.
  • 271 BCE


    Ashkoa encouraged contact that influenced the establishment of trade relations.
  • 206 BCE


    Cloves are native to the Maluku Islands in Indonesia. They can grow up to 30 feet tall and were really popular in this time.
  • 200 BCE


    Pearls were popular in the Roman Empire and were ideal for trading because of their small size.
  • 200 BCE


    Buddhism was found through Indian and Chinese cultures and spanned due to the influence of trade routes.