• Paramount

    The production company that paid for the film , it is usually the first to appear on a title scene.
  • Paramount Pictures Presents

  • A Lorne Michaels prduction

    Another one of the films producers
  • Name of the main character

    Name of the main character
    Lidnsey Lohan's name appers prior to the rest of the cast due to her role as the main character
  • Title of the film - MEAN GIRLS

    After that comes the name of the film in big writting
  • Film shows clips of past

    This is after the title of the film. It shows peop[le what happened prior to the events of the film taking place
  • Casting

  • Based on a book

    Based on a book
    Gving the viewers the informtion about where the film came from
  • Music Supervisors

  • Music Composed and Conducted by

  • Co producer

  • Costume Desginer

  • Editor

    The Editor is Wendy Greene Bricmont
  • Production Design