The hystory of educational technology

  • 200 BCE

    Oral communication

    Oral communication
    It is known that oral communication has existed from the beginning of Humanity. Their hearing and memorization skills needed to be developed in order to survive and communicate. As a result, they had to memorize all the sounds they heard around them. Therefore, oral communication is known as the first human communication. As an example of ancient oral communication, we can mention that people used poems or stories to transmit information to next generation.
  • 100 BCE

    Written communication

    Written communication
    Written communication, which known to have started with cave painting, is developing day by day. According to Catherine Hezser (2010), in ancient times, there were not phone calls or internet communication to communicate easily. If people wanted to ask an advice or report something to someone, they had to visit that person or prefer sent written message through intermediary. She emphasizes how reliable transmission is written communication on those times.
  • Broadcasting and video

    Broadcasting and video
    BBC started broadcasting educational radio programs in 1920. Then tv began to be used as an educational tool in 1960. In 1990, thanks to digital compression and high-speed internet access, the expense of creating and dispensing video decreased significantly.
  • Computer technologies

    Computer technologies
    In 1991, The World Wide Web went live to the world. Then first web browser “Mosaic” started to be used in 1993. After the invention of web, it was too easy and time-saved to research information on the Internet. Moreover, first distance courses started in 1995. “With the development of science and technology, the application of computer technology is more and more extensive, the current solution” (Yanhua. Y, 2021).
  • Social media

    Social media
    It is fact that first social media platform started to be used in 1997 and it includes Youtube videos, Facebook, Twitter and blogs. Furthermore, social media permits people to create knowledge or to share and exchange ideas to each other. “Social media has transformed the way billions of people around the globe access information and interact with one another”. (Xiuli Wang, 2020, p.2)
  • Paradigm Shift

    Paradigm Shift
    Briefly, the term of utilizing old information or resources with new ones is called Paradigm Shift. As an example, we can mention the written texts and smart boards we use in classroom. Especially, the only thing that separates the digital age in the previous ages is the rapid development of technology. So, it was not denied that the effect of the Internet on education is a paradigm shift, specially, in terms of educational technology.
  • References

    Catherine, H. (2010) Oral and Written Communication and Transmission of Knowledge in Ancient Judaism and Christianity
    Yanhua, Y. (2021) The Role of Computer Technology in the Reform of Editing and Publishing
    Xiuli, W. (2020) Social Media
    Photos by: Google Chrome Web Tarayıcısı