The Hunnic Empire

  • 91

    Huns were first recorded in writings of Tacitus

  • Period: 91 to 469

    The Hunnic Empire

    From the Rise to the Fall
  • Period: 158 to 350

    Western Huns move from Northern Asia towards the Volga River and into Eastern Europe

  • 370

    Huns conquer Alans

  • 370

    Balamber is first leader of the Huns

  • Period: 370 to 400

    Reign of Balamber

  • 372

    Huns conquer the Ostrogoths

  • 375

    Huns cross Volga River towards Eastern Europe

  • 376

    Huns force Goths into Eastern Roman Empire

  • 406

    Attila was born

  • 430

    Regila begins leading the Huns

  • Period: 430 to 433

    Reign of Regila

  • 433

    Regila dies and his nephews, Attila and his brother Bleda, come to power

  • Period: 433 to 445

    Reign of Bleda

  • Period: 433 to 453

    Reign of Attila

  • 445

    Bleda is killed and Attila becomes single ruler

  • 451

    Huns invade Gaul and are defeated by Romans in Battle of Chalons

  • 452

    Huns invade Northern Italy and destroy Aquileia, Padua, and Verona

  • 453

    Attila dies

  • 454

    Germans defeat Huns in Battle of Nedao

  • 454

    Dengizich, second son of Attila, and Ernak become leaders of Huns

  • Period: 454 to 469

    Reign of Dengizich and Ernak

  • 469

    Dengizich dies and the Hunnic Empire falls