The Holocaust in the framework of the Interwar period I and victime of the holocaust (Richard Oestermann)

  • 30th JANUARY 1933

    Appointment of Hitler as chancellor of Germany
  • 28th FEBRUARY 1933

    Reichstag Fire Decree: declaration of the state of emergency and suspension of civil liberties.
  • • 2nd MARCH 1933

    Dachau Concentration Camp opened.
  • • 23th MARCH 1933

    Enabling Act.
  • • 1st APRIL 1933

    first boycotts of Jewish businesses.
  • • 7th APRIL 1933

    Approval of Civil Service Law: it removed Jews and political opponents of the Nazis from civil service positions and government jobs.
  • • 25th APRIL 1933

    Approval of the Education Law: it stated that Jewish students could not be more than 5% of the student population of any public school or university, being forced to leave public schools.
  • • 14th JULY 1933

    Approval of the Sterilization Law: it allowed the Government to forcibly sterilize people with physical or mental disabilities not to have children.
  • • 4th OCTOBER 1933

    Approval of the Press Censorship Law.
  • • 2nd AUGUST 1934

    Adolf Hitler, proclaimed “Führer”.
  • • 16th MARCH 1935

    Approval of the mandatory military service
  • • 1st APRIL 1935

    Prohibition of Jehovah’s witness organization.
  • • 28th JUNE 1935

    Reinforcement of the prohibition of activities qualified as “homosexual”, being excluded of being accounted as German population.
  • • 15th SEPTEMBER 1935

    approval of the Laws of Nuremberg.
  • • 12th MARCH 1938

    Annexation of Austria.
  • • 17th AUGUST 1938

    Jewish Name Law: it forced the Jews who did not have a Jewish first name to take the middle names “Israel” for men and “Sara” for women.
  • • 29th SEPTEMBER 1938

    Sudetenland, ceded to Germany.
  • • 28th OCTOBER 1938

    Polish Jews deported from Germany
  • • 9-10th NOVEMBER 1938

  • • 15th MARCH 1939

    Germany annexed Czechoslovakia.
  • • 23th AUGUST 1939

    German-Soviet Pact of Non-Agression.
  • • 1st SEPTEMBER 1939

    Approval of the Euthanasia Decree or “Operation T-4”. It would cause 250,000 deaths.
  • • 1st SEPTEMBER 1939

    Germany invaded Poland. Beginning of the World War II.
  • APRIL 1940

    Nazy Germany invaded Poland (Part of Richard life)
  • • 9th APRIL 1940

    Germany invaded Norway and Denmark.
  • • 10th MAY 1940

    Germany invaded Western Europe.
  • • 10th JUNE 1940

    Italy declared war on Britain and France.
  • • 14th JUNE 1940

    First prisoners arrive at Auschwitz
  • • 27th SEPTEMBER 1940

    Axis alliance (Germany, Italy and Japan) is definteliy formed.
  • • 6th APRIL 1941

    Germany invaded Yugoslavia and Greece.
  • • 22nd JUNE 1941

    Germany invaded the Soviet Union.
  • • 1st SEPTEMBER 1941

    Jewish badge, mandatory for Jewish population.
  • • 7th DECEMBER 1941

    Pearl Harbor attack by Japan. USA ented into the World War II.
  • • 8th DECEMBER 1941

    Mass murder began at Chelmno, the first stationary facility where the Nazis used poison gas for mass murder.
  • • 20th JANUARY 1942

    Wannsee Conference: approval of mass murder of Jews (“Final Solution”).
  • • 17th MARCH 1942

    Beginning of “Operation Reinhard”, name of the plan to murder approximately two million of Jews in German-occupied Poland
  • • 8th NOVEMBER 1942

    Allied forces invaded North Africa
  • • 17th DECEMBER 1942

    Allies condemned in an official declaration the mass murder.
  • • 2nd FEBRUARY 1943

    German defeat at Stalingrad.
  • • 26th FEBRUARY 1943

    first transport of Gypsies to Auschwitz.
  • • 19th APRIL 1943

    Beginning of the Warsaw ghetto uprise.
  • • 9-10th JULY 1943

    Invasion of Sicily by Allied forces.
  • AUGUST 1943

    Germany declared martial law, he joined army (Part of Richard life)
  • • 8th SEPTEMBER 1943

    Surrender of Italy.
  • • 19th MARCH 1944

    Germany occupied Hungary.
  • • 6th JUNE 1944

    Beginning of the Normandy landings
  • • 27th JANUARY 1945

    Liberation of Auschwitz by Soviet troops
  • • 11th APRIL 1945

    Liberation of Buchenwald by American troops.
  • • 7th MAY 1945

    Surrender of Germany. End of the World War II in Europe.
  • 1945

    His family returned to Poland (Part of Richard life)