Island Hopping
In which American forces would capture some Japanese-held islands and go around others. -
Missions, Suicide pilots crashed their planes into american ships. -
In 1944 Allied forces were ready to undertake the invasion of france. Under the command of general Eisenhower, the Allies carefully planned the landing -
War Crimes
Are wartime acts of cruelty and brutality that are judged to be beyond the accepted rules of war and human behavior. -
Is the deliberate attempt to wipe out an entire nation or group of people. -
World War II was the bloodiest conflict in human history. It took the lives of up to 60 million people, including about 400,000 American -
Harry S. Truman
Vice President Truman, Was suddenly thrust into the highest office in the country. He had little experience dealing with important policy issues -
VE Day
Germany was collapsing. On May 8, the Allies celebrated V-E Day, Victory in Europe. -
Atomic Bomb
On August 6, 1945, An American plane dropped an atomic bomb on the city of hiroshima. The destruction was like nothing the world had ever seen. Within minutes, the blast and searing heat had killed more than 130,000 people -
VJ Day
On September, 1945, MacArthur formally accepted japan’s surrender aboard the battleship USS. Missouri, Anchored in Tokyo Bay. World War II was over at last