The Holocaust

  • Hitler is appointed chancellor

    Hitler is appointed chancellor
    Hindenburg acquiesced and he formally appointed Adolf Hitler as Germany's new chancellor
  • The Nuremberg Laws were passed

    The Nuremberg Laws were passed
    The Nuremberg Laws deprived Jews of german citizenship, only allowed them to marry other Jews, had to wear symbols, and couldn't publish books or become high-ranking officials.
  • The search for refuge

    The search for refuge
    Jews wait in line for visas at the police station. following Austria got absorbed by nazi Germany and unleashed a wave of humiliation, terror, and confiscation, many Austrian Jews attempted to leave the country.
  • the "Night of Broken Glass"

    the "Night of Broken Glass"
    the Nazi-led mobs attacked Jewish communities all over Germany, Austria, and Czechoslovakia.
  • American responses responses

    American responses responses
    the passenger ship St. Louis sailed from Germany to Cuba carrying 937 passengers, most of them Jews. the Cuban government revoked their landing certificates. after the U.S. government denied them St. Louis went back to Europe. some 250 of the refuges would later be killed in the Holocaust.
  • German forces drove back

    German forces drove back
    the Allies were on the offensive and ultimately drove back the German forces
  • Deportations

    Trains carrying Jews from german-controlled Europe rolled into one of the six killing centers located along rail lines in occupied Poland. commonly between 80 and 100 people were crammed into railcars of this type.
  • Death Marches

    Death Marches
    this photo shows prisoners being marched from one concentration camp to another . in response to the deteriorating military situation. German authorities ordered the evacuation of the concentration camp.