Hitler becomes Chancellor
Adolf Hitler, leader of the Nazi party becomes Chancellor of Germany. -
Aryanization of Germany
Throughout the 1930s, the Nazis increased persecution of Jewish people and added territories like Austria to Hitler's "Greater Germany" -
World War II Begins
Germany's invasion of Poland officially began World War II and accelerated the Holocaust -
Building of Jewish Ghettos
Throughout Spring and Summer of 1940, Jews were rounded up and forced to live in Ghettos -
Hitler Asks For A Final Solution
Einsatzgruppen, or Mobile killing units had been carrying out mass shootings through most of 1941 when Hitler asked for a Final Solution, a more efficient way of killing Jews. -
Gas Chambers Begin Operation
The first Gas Chambers begin operation in Belzec. -
Camps Liberated
As the War draws to a close, concentration camps are liberated beginning in the fall of 1944 -
War Ends
Germany surrendered unconditionally May 7th 1945. The Holocaust was over after claiming over 11 Million lives.