Period: to
The Holocaust
1933: Hitler became Chancellor of Germany
Violence became introduced in Germany to be inflicted in the Jewish people.The SA (Sturn Abteliung or the Brownshirts) forced the jews out of their jobs and forced them to close their shops up and sell their stores. -
1935: The Jewish got their rights taken away from them
The German took away the rights of every Jewish person. Some of these laws are:
-Jews no longer allowed to be German citizens
-Jews not allowed to have relationships with non-jews
-Jews are not allowed to marry a non-jew
- Jews banned from professional jobs
-Jews banned from working and political or Government role. -
1938: Night of Broken Glass
Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass) on that night there was many bad thing that happened to the Jews, such as:
- Extreme violence against Jews
-100 Jews murdered
-20,00 Jews sent to Concentration camps
-Jewish homes were burnt down
-Jewish shops were destroyed
-Jews forced to pay a fine of Kristallancht
-Jews were banned from state school/cinemas/public places
-Jew forced to close down their businesses -
1940: Germany invades #1
Germany invades Holland and Denmark, Belgium and Norway. They persecute more Jews who are in the countries they have just invaded -
1941: Germany invades #2
Germany also invades the USSR (Soviet Union).The German task force was made to kill and murder Jewish people. All the Jews begin to be deported to Polish Ghettos. Gassing the Jews started Chelmno which is called the first death camp. -
1943: Death Camps
Deportation began to Auschwitz for the Western Jews.
The Death Camps ended their work in Chelmno and Treblinka. They were knocked down and trees are planted on the site to hide the real truth about what happened there. Soon after that, Gypsies are sent to Concentration Camps. -
More Jews were getting deported. Now the Hungarian Jews began to be deported to Auschwitz. The Auschwitz death marches start. -
1945: The Jews are saved
Soviet troops liberated Auschwaitz. British and American troops liberate Western Concentration Camps.