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The Holocaust

  • Hitler Becomes Chancellor

    Hitler Becomes Chancellor
    in 1933 Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany which soon followed many electoral victories for the Nazi Party .
  • Nazi Boycott

    Nazi Boycott
    The Nazi Boycott of Jewish businesses was to prevented the shopping of Jewish Businesses which soon began the nationwide campaign of the Nazi Party against the Jewish population
  • Banning Jews of Work

    Banning Jews of Work
    Nazi Germany banned Jews from labor of manual trades which required everyone to pass a masters exam and entered into a roll before they could do manual trading as a job .
  • Anschluss

    The Anschluss was the beginning of unification of Germany which included the annexation of Austria into Nazi Germany
  • Night of Broken Glass

    Night of Broken Glass
    Nazi's torched innocent Jewish people's homes and killed almost 100 jews in the doing . The aftermath of the event caused about 30,000 Jews to get arrested and sent to Nazi Concentration Camps.
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    This was a defensive war which Nazi Germany attacked on the Republic of Poland which soon marked the beginning of WWII
  • German Railways

    German Railways
    This european railway was used to transport jews to killing centers in Poland . Jews believed they were taken to concentration camps , but most jews arrived to killing centers .
  • Rescue In Denmark

    Rescue In Denmark
    The Danish Jews who were held captive by the nazi's soon got evacuated to sweden in the year 1943 . About 6,000 refugees became interviews after crossing and landing on Sweden shores .