The Holocaust

  • Hitler reports for duty

    Adolf Hitler reports for duty in the austrian miltary service.
  • Rejected

    hitler is reject by Austrian army as un fit to serve
  • founded

    The Bolsheviks found the Red Army.
  • The Beginning

    The Beginning
    1700 Jews are killed in a pogrom at Proskurov in the western Ukraine.
  • And again at poland

    And again at poland
    Eighty Jews are killed in a pogrom at Vilna in Poland.
  • no treaty.

    After refusing to sign the treaty, the German delegation take it with them back to Berlin for further government consideration. Chancellor Philipp Scheidemann also denounces the treaty. The Allies, however, continue to maintain their naval blockade of Germany, and thousands of German civilians continue starving to death.
  • Hitler moves up

    Hitler moves up
    Hitler is assigned to conduct political indoctrination classes at Lechfeld.
  • The Weimar Constitution

    The Weimar Constitution
    The Weimar Constitution is announced.
  • The first prolbom

    Hitler's first known, political writing on the "Jewish Problem," a letter addressed to Adolf Gemlich (identity unknown) shows that Hitler's belief in a worldwide Jewish-Marxist conspiracy was already well developed.
  • time to make a chois

    Hitler declares that "It is our duty to arouse, to whip up, an to incite our people to instinctive repugnance of the Jews.
  • Join

    Hitler founds the Hitler Jugend (Hitler Youth).
  • Period: to


    Inflation cripples the German economy. In 1918, the exchange rate, four marks to the dollar in 1918, is now more than 7,000 to the dollar.
  • 160,000

    Inflation in Germany increases to more than 160,000 marks to the dollar
  • wants power

    wants power
    Hitler addresses a meeting of the heads of all the right-wing military formations and private armies in Munich. After a two and a half hour speech he is able to convince them that they would be more effective if they placed themselves under his over-all command
  • $130,000,000,000

    Inflation in Germany peaks at 130,000,000,000 marks to the dollar

    Hitler is released from Landsberg prison after serving less than nine months of his five-year sentence.
  • feel the power

    Hitler revives the NSDAP and quickly takes control
  • "party time"

    Hitler holds a Nazi "Party Day" rally at Weimar. He and many other speakers advocate driving the Jews out of all German life.
  • the gathering

    the gathering
    Twenty thousand Storm Troopers attend the Congress of the National Socialist Party in Nuremberg
  • Erhard Heiden the new leader

    Erhard Heiden the new leader
    Hitler holds a Nazi "Party Day" rally at Weimar. He and many other speakers advocate driving the Jews out of all German life
  • Period: to

    there are coming

    Nearly 500 pitched battles take place between Nazis and Communists in Prussia alone. At least least 82 people were killed and 400 wounded.
  • Not so happy new year!!!!

    On the eve of the Jewish New Year, Nazi gangs in Berlin attack Jews returning from synagogue
  • we need to leave

    Jews begin an exodus from Nazi Germany.
  • i am there

    i am there
    Hitler makes his first radio address to the German people after becoming Chancellor. Hitler declares that the members of the new government "would preserve and defend those basic principles on which our nation has been built up. They regard Christianity as the foundation of our national morality and the family as the basis of our national life."
  • hear is an sloution

    Hitler tells a large audience in Frankfurt that he "will not be crippled by any bureaucracy. I won't have to worry about justice, my mission is only to destroy and exterminate."
  • do not by there stuff

    Hitler stages a nationwide, one-day boycott of Jewish businesses, physicians and lawyers. Armed SA men are posted in front of Jewish-owned shops and stores to prevent would-be customers from entering. In an effort to silence foreign criticism of Germany's treatment of the Jews, signs are posted in English implying that Jewish claims of persecution are false.
  • we do not like jews

    Legislation of anti-Jewish laws begins in Germany.
  • can not live among us as jwes

    The Nazis also pass the Law on the Revocation of Naturalization and Deprivation of German Citizenship of Jews. German citizenship can now be taken away from those designated as "undesirables
  • we are on our wone

    On Hitler's orders the SS becomes an independent organization within the NSDAP.
  • on one will marie

    Germany promulgates the Marriage Protection Law, forbidding person with hereditary diseases to marry
  • can not live amoung us as jews

    A new Nazi press campaign aimed at totally eliminating Jews from German economic life is begun.
  • now you cant vote

    Jews in Germany lose their right to vote in elections for the Reichstag
  • ghettos

    Starting with the town of Piotrkow, German authorities begin confining the Jews of Poland to a particular area (ghetto) of each city or town in which they live. Sometimes this area is the already prominently Jewish quarter, but often it is a poor or neglected part of th town, away from the center. Jews from the rest of the town are then forced to leave their homes, and to move into this, often much smaller area, in which even the basic amenities are unavailable. In eachof these ghetto areas, foo
  • no work`

    Work begins on the German concentration camp at Auschwitz.
  • More than 5,000 Jews

    More than 5,000 Jews are deported from Vienna to forced labor camps on the Bug River and ghettos in eastern Poland.
  • Hitler issues a directive

    Hitler issues a directive for the invasion of the Soviet Union, which gives administrative control of captured territory to the SS
  • Hitler issues a directive

    The German deadline for all Jews to be inside the Polish ghettos expires
  • In the Warsaw ghetto

    In the Warsaw ghetto, 2,000 Jews a month are now dying from hunger and disease.Emanuel Ringelblum writes that "Death lies in every street. The children are no longer afraid of death. In one courtyard, the children played a game of tickling the corpse
  • Nazi killing squads arrive

    Nazi killing squads arrive in Bessarabia. Romanian troops and militias murder thousands of Jews in the area of their advance. Following the initial killings, internment camps are set up throughout the province. At the camp in Edineti, 70 to 100 people die every day in July and August, mostly of starvation. In all, more than 148,000 Bessarabian Jews perish in the ghettos and camps of Transnistria.
  • More than 13,000

    More than 13,000 Jews have now been deported to Chelmno and gassed since December 8, 1941. Adolf Eichmann himself witnessed the process
  • A second death camp

    A second death camp goes into operation just south of the village of Belzec in Galicia. 6,786 Jews are murdered during the first set of deportations
  • Treblinka

    The death camp at Treblinka goes into operation. (total victims: 800,000; survivors: under 40)
  • The killing center

    The killing center at Auschwitz goes into operation, first at Auschwitz itself, then at the nearby camp of Birkenau, where four gas chambers and crematoria are built during late 1942 and early 1943
  • At 3:30 PM, Adolf Hitler

    and his new wife, Eva Braun, are believed to have committed suicide in his private quarters under the Chancellery. Their bodies are said to have been taken above ground by Hitler's aides, quickly burned with gasoline, and buried in a shallow grave.
  • the war is over