
The Hobbit: 75th Anniversary Edition

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    Hello! This is still a work in progress. Im hoping to do the whole book before my school year ends. The book Im reading is The Hobbit: 75th Anniversary Edition. By J.R.R Tolkien.
    Image: The Hobbit Cover
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    Pages 1-8: Bilbo & Gandalf

    Pages 1-8: Bilbo & Gandalf
    This is the beginning of this story, it begins to explain where Bilbo lives. Gandalf comes to The Hill and Bilbo says 'Good morning!' Gandalf ends up freaking Bilbo out with the idea of an adventure. Bilbo invites Gandalf to tea & retreats into his Hobbit-Hole. Before leaving, Gandalf draws a symbol on Bilbo's door.
    Image: Bilbo Baggins
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    Pages 8-26: Bilbo's Unexpected Guests

    Pages 8-26: Bilbo's Unexpected Guests
    Gandalf invites some dwarfs to tea. The dwarfs are:
    Dwalin, Balin, Kili, Fili, Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, Gloin, Bifur, Bombur, & Thorin. Finally, Gandalf arrived. They had a meeting & ended up stressing Bilbo out enough for him to faint. The dwarfs and Gandalf left in the morning but had left a note for Bilbo to meet them elsewhere.
    Image: Gandalf
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    Pages 27-30: Bilbo's Adventure Starts

    Pages 27-30: Bilbo's Adventure Starts
    Bilbo wakes up, starts to clean, & eat breakfast - at about 10:45 - when Gandalf walks in & tells him that he should have left already. It turned out Thorin left Bilbo a note telling Bilbo to meet him & the dwarfs at 11 am. Bilbo hurries to get out of the house to find them. The adventure begins here.
    Image: Thorin
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    Pages 31-32: A Bad Night

    Pages 31-32: A Bad Night
    They realize Gandalf was missing when they needed a place to camp. They camp under some trees. They sadly couldn't start a fire, & then one of the horses ran away with some of their food. Kili and Fili almost drowned trying to get the horse back to them. They failed to get the horse or the food back. They later saw lights in the distance & argued over going or not going. They decided to go see what the light was.
    Image: The Twins, Fili & Kili
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    Pages 33-39: The Light Source

    Pages 33-39: The Light Source
    The dwarfs sent Bilbo to see what the light was. It was a fire, with 3 trolls around it, talking. Bilbo tried to pick one of their pockets and ended up getting caught. The trolls started arguing against themselves. The troll holding Bilbo got punched & dropped Bilbo. Bilbo took his chance to run away. Then the dwarfs came to see what Bilbo was doing and they all got caught except for Thorin. Gandalf came back and helped Bilbo and Thorin save their friends by distracting them.
    Image: The Trolls
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    Pages 40-45 : Secret Valley of Rivendell

    Pages 40-45 : Secret Valley of Rivendell
    They ate dinner, talked about what happened, where Gandalf had gone, & slept. For the next few days, they continued their adventure, with little talking because they felt like there was danger around them. They saw Misty Mountains, and now they have to go through, over, or under them to get to Rivendell. Finally, as they're crossing the mountains, Bilbo's pony slips almost pushing Gandalf off the cliff & they found the Secret Valley of Rivendell.
    Image: Rivendell
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    Pages 46-51: Elrond

    Pages 46-51: Elrond
    They skittered down the mountain. When they arrived in the valley, they were welcomed by the elves who lived there. The elves sang to them & offered if they wanted to stay for a little. The dwarfs declined the offer but stayed for dinner before they went to see Elrond, master of the Last Homely Home. They find out that the weapons they had got from the trolls were more powerful than they thought. After their meeting with Elrond, they set out to finish their journey over Misty Mountains.
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    Pages 52-56: Misty Mountains & a Cave

    Pages 52-56: Misty Mountains & a Cave
    They began their long journey through the mountains. It's been miles & days since they left Rivendell. They were in hopes of reaching a secret door in Lonely Mountian by Durin's day. They were still on the mountain when they saw some stone giants throwing boulders at each other. Soon the adventurers found a nice dry cave nearby. When Bilbo slept, he dreamed of a crack in the wall of the cave, when he woke up, there was a hole.
    Image: Misty Mountains