The Colonial Period (1607-1775)
In the 1700, the roots of American educational system are established. There were 13 colonies during this era - Southern Colonies, Middle Colonies, and the New England Colonies. During this era, education was for the wealthy, yet at the same time the poor whites, females, and minorities were excluded from schools. Moreover, this era established the Massachusetts Act of 1647 aka the (Old Deluder Satan Act) also religious controversies came into fruition in this era. -
Early National Period (1775-1820)
In 1800, the Constitution removes formal religion from the schools and established state responsibility in education. Also during this era it established a major educational role for students (Tenth Amendment to Constitution), the federal government should use education to improve people's lives and to help the nation grow. and The Land Ordinance of 1785. -
Common School Movement (1820-1865)
This era established access to tax-supported education for all, introduced grade levels in elementary schools, and normal schools created to prepare teachers. Also this era was influenced by Horace Mann. -
During this era, schools become instruments of national purpose and social change, yet it also involved the federal government taking a serious active role in education, used courts and federal spending to battle poverty and inequities in schools, elao enlisted schools in its economic struggles with other countries, and also the undecided question of whether or not the focal point of change should be federal or local within the educational system.