Video game systems pic

The History of Video Games

By 31935
  • The Odyssey is Created

    The Odyssey is Created
    The Odyssey, a video game by Magnovox is created and released in the Autumn of 1972.
  • Atari

    Wikipedia Page Atari's pong is the first game to be sold for the Atari in 1975.
  • Playstation

    Playstation Sony releases the first Playstation console.
  • N64

    Wikipedia pageNintendo releases the Nintendo 64 which is still loved by many people today.
  • Sega Dreamcast

    Sega releases their video game system Dreamcast.
  • Microsoft's Xbox

    Microsoft, usually known for its computers, releases the first version of the Xbox console
  • Xbox 360

    Microsoft releases the second version of the original Xbox, the Xbox 360.
  • Nintendo Wii

    Nintendo's Wii is released. The Wii uses cutting edge technology to get players up and moving with the game.
  • Kinect

    Microsoft releases the Kinect, the first gaming system to use sensors so there are no controllers required.