Dec 19, 1000
Vikings arrive
Period: Dec 19, 1000 to
History 1A
Aug 23, 1492
Columbus Arrives
Aug 23, 1497
Cabot Arrives
Aug 31, 1507
Amerigo Vespucci Arrives
Aug 23, 1510
First Enslaved Africans In America
Aug 31, 1513
Balboa Sees Pacific
Aug 31, 1520
Magellan Crosses The Pacific
Aug 31, 1525
Verrazano Finds New York Harbor
Aug 31, 1539
Hernando de Soto Arrives
Aug 23, 1570
Iroquois Nation Founded
Roanoke 2
England Defeats Spanish Armada
Jamestown Founded
Hudson Sails Up Hudson River
Jamestown Starves
Pocahontas marries John Rolfe
Mayflower Compact; Pilgrims Arrive
Dutch buy Mannhattan Island
Salem Witch Trials
B. Franklin Born
Daniel Boone is Born
John Peter Zenger acquitted
Spanish cut off Captain Jenkins' ear
Albany Plan rejected
Braddock's troops defeated
George III King of England
Treaty of Paris
Stamp Act
Boston Massacre
Boston Tea Party
Paul Revere's Ride
Wilderness Road opens
George Washington Becomes Commander in Chief
Patriots Take Fort Ticonderoga
Brittain Declaires War
Battle of Bunker Hill
Period: to
History 1B
Washing Crosses the Delaware
Tom Paine publishes Common Sense
Declaration of Independence
British Capture New York City
Valley Forge
Articles of Confederation
George Washington First President
Slater's Mill
Cotton Gin
Alien and Sedition Acts
Louisiana Purchase
Marbury vs. Madison
Robert Fulton's Steamship
Star Spangled Banner Written
Missouri Compromise
Sequoyah Invents Cherokee Alphabet
Monroe Doctrine
Erie Canal
Peter Cooper Builds Steam-Powered Train
Jackson Defeats Bank of US
Texas an Independent Republic
US Depression
Trail of Tears
Fredrick Douglass Escapes The South
Osceola Dies
William Henry Harrison Elected
John L O'Sullivan writes Manifest Destiny
California Gold Rush begins
Compromise of 1850
Fugitive Slave Law
Sojournor Truth
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony
More Than 20,000 Chinese enter California
Harriet Beecher Stowe publishes "Uncle Tom's Cabin"
Republican Party Founded
Walden Published
Leaves of Grass Published
Period: to
History 2A
Frederick Law Olmstead chief architect of Central Park
John Brown attacks Harpers Ferry
Abraham Lincoln elected 16th president
Fort Sumter surrenders to Confederacy
Richmond becomes Confederate capital
US troops defeated at Bull Run
Grant captures Ft. Henry and Ft. Donelson in TN
Robert E. Lee commander in chief of Confederate army
Union again defeated at Bull Run
Emancipation Proclamation
Confederates defeated at Gettysburg PA
Grant named US Commander in chief
Lincoln reelected
Sherman's March to the Sea
Lee surrenders to Grant, Appomattox
Last armed Confederate force surrenders at New Orleans
13th Amendment, slavery abolished
Andrew Johnson 17th President
Civil Rights Act
Grant elected 18th President
15th Amendment, black males get right to vote
Susan B. Anthony founds National Woman Suffrage Association
Standard Oil sells stock to public
Barnum & Bailey's circus opens in Brooklyn
Yellowstone first national park
Half a million immigrants enter US
Civil Rights act banning public discrimination
Alexander Graham Bell patents telephone
Southern states introduce poll tax
Thomas Edison demonstrates lightbulb
First skyscraper - in Chicago
George Eastman patents roll film for cameras
Census: US over 50 million, NY over 1 million
Garfield 20th president, VP Chester Arthur becomes 21st president
Brooklyn Bridge completed
Joseph Pulitzer buys "The New York World"
Mark Twain publishes "Huckleberry Finn"
Grover Cleveland 22nd President
Statue of Liberty dedicated
Apache leader Geronimo surrenders
Secret ballot introduced
2000+ die in Johnstown Flood
Benjamin Harrison 23rd president
Jacob Riis reveals plight of poor immigrants
Sioux massacred at Wounded Knee, SD
Sherman Antitrust Act
Hawaii government toppled
Plessy vs. Ferguson
Gold discovered in Yukon
Walter Reed discovers mosquitos spread yellow fever
L. Frank Baum publishes "Wizard of Oz"
Period: to
History 2B
Oil found in Texas
Theodore Roosevelt Elected
President Roosevelt's neice Elanor marries her fifth cousin Franklin D. Roosevelt
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
Panama Canal
Armistice Day
Babe Ruth joins the New York Yankees
18th Amendment
KDKA Starts Broadcasting
Teapot Dome Scandal
Harlem Renaissance
Calvin Coolidge
Scopes Monkey Trial
Robert Goddard invents liquid fuel rocket
First Talikng Motion Picture, The Jazz Singer
Walt Disney's Steamboat Willie
Great Depression
21st Ammendment
Adolf Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany
Social Security Act
Germany Invades Poland
Siege of Leningrad
Pearl Harbor
Enigma Machine Cracked!
FDR wins 4th term
Dewey Defeats Truman
Joe McCarthy
UN Forces in Korean War
Dwight David Eisenhower
Brown vs Board
JFK President
Cuban Missle Crisis
I have a dream!
Kennedy Killed
MLK jr Recieves Nobel Peace Prize
Martin Luther King Junior Killed
Nixon Elected
First Man on the Moon
Nixon Reelected
Nixon Resigned
North and South Vietnam Sign a Peace Agreement
Carter Elected
Ronald Reaagan President
Bush Sr. Elected
Bill Clinton President
Bill Clinton Reelelcted
Bill Clinton Impeached, Then Acquitted
Bush II Elected
Bush Reelected