The History of UK

  • 2500 BCE

    The Iron Age

    The Iron Age
    Britain entered the Iron Age and the population was divided into tribes
  • 2000 BCE

    The Celts

    The Celts
    a group of people from central Europe settled in Britain and Ireland and created a culture of their own
  • 55 BCE

    Julius Caesar

    Julius Caesar
    He arrived in Britain and built so many roads, most of which is still use today, and a big wall near Scotland to control and defend the Scottish tribes
  • 410


    The Romans left the island undefended against the invasion of the Angles and Saxons (from northern Germany) that colonised north and west, pushing the Celts to Cornwall, Wales and Scotland
  • 1066

    William I

    William I
    Edward, the king of Saxon, died and the throne was claimed by Harold Godwinson and William (Duke of Normandy). William defeated Harold at the battle of Hastings and was crowned king of England with the name of William I
  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    Feudalism began its slow decline with the signing of the Magna Carta (a document which limited the powers of the sovereign of the barons)
  • 1400

    Struggles for power and wars

    Struggles for power and wars
    In 1337 started the Hundred Years’ War with France that ended in 1453, and after 2 years started the Wars of the Roses between the York and the Lancaster that ended in 1485
  • 1485

    Henry VII

    Henry VII
    Henry Tudor (Duke of Richmond) ascended the throne as Henry VII after won a battle at Bosworth
  • 1558

    Elizabeth I

    Elizabeth I
    From 1558 to 1603 ascended the throne Henry VIII’s daughter: Elizabeth I. Her reign was rich of explorations, colonisation and victory