Kitap okumanın faydalarıyla i̇lgili resimler1


  • Education was recognized as a public duty by the state

    Education was recognized as a public duty by the state
    Recognition by the state of education as a public duty was first put on the agenda during the Ottoman period after the Royal Tanzimat Decree of 1839.
  • Period: to


  • The first teacher training school -Darülmuallimin- was established

    The first teacher training school -Darülmuallimin- was established
  • Elemantary schools for women were established

  • The first university in Turkey-Darülfunun- was established

    The first university in Turkey-Darülfunun-  was established
  • Primary education became compulsory and free for all citizens

    For the first time in the Ottoman Empire in the General Education
    Regulation of 1869 (Maarif-I Umumiye Nizamnamesi), it was announced that
    primary education would be compulsory and free for all citizens.
  • The Ministry of National Education- Maarif Vekaleti- was established

    The Ministry of National Education- Maarif Vekaleti- was established
  • The Law on Unification of Education was accepted

    The Law on Unification of Education  was accepted
    With this law, the modernising cadre of the new Republic abolished the hitherto existing duality in the educational institutions of the Ottoman period between secular and religious education.By means of the Law on Unification of Education, all scientific and educational institutions were brought under the Ministry of National Education, all kinds of religious educational and training institutions ceased to function, and foreign schools, as well as those of the minorities,were brought under state
  • The national ‘secular’ education system was established

    The national ‘secular’ education system was established
    With the acceptance of the Law on Unification of Education in 1924,the national ‘secular’ education system, fashioned
    on the Western European model, especially the French system, was established.
  • Gazi Education Institute was established

    Gazi Education Institute was established
  • Coeducation was started to be implemented

  • New Turkish Alphabet was accepted.

    New Turkish Alphabet was accepted.
  • Public schools were established

    Public schools were established
  • Turkish Historical Society was established

    Turkish Historical Society was established
  • Turkish Language Association was established

    Turkish Language Association was established
  • University Reform was done

    In accordance with this reform, European model of administration and education was accepted in Turkish universities.
  • Darülfunun was renamed İstanbul University

    Darülfunun was renamed İstanbul University
  • The Faculty of Languages, History and Geography was established

    The Faculty of Languages, History and Geography was established
    Aim of the Faculty is committed to excellence in both research and teaching, and to the enhancement of the learning experience of each its students.
  • Village Institutes were established

    Village Institutes were established
    Village Institutes are established to train teachers for each village and send them back to form new village schools. Despite their short life, they highly increased the number of primary schools in the country.
  • Vocational high schools were established

    Vocational high schools were established
  • the Law on Institutions of Private Education was enacted

    It covers private schools of every level run by Turkish or minority groups, as well
    as private courses, classes and other private educational institutions.
  • Compulsory education was increased from 5 to 8 years.

  • Secondary education was increased from 3 to 4 years

  • Preschool education became compulsory

    Preschool education became compulsory
  • Compulsory education became 12 years

    Compulsory education became 12 years