The history of the United States 1800-1876

  • Thomas Jefferson

    Third President of the United States.Founder of the Democratic Republican Party.
  • Louisiana

    President Jefferson bought Louisiana from France,
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    The Lewis and Clark Expedition

    It was the first time for the United States to cross the continent west to the Pacific coast and back.The leaders were Capt. Merriweather Lewis and Lt. William Clark.It was started by President Jefferson.
  • James Madison

    As President
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    War of 1812

    The War of 1812 to 1815 between the United States and Great Britain.America's first foreign war after independence
  • The British burned the Houses of Parliament and the White House

  • Treaty of Ghent

    President Madison signed the Treaty of Ghent, bringing it into force the next day.
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    The First Seminole War

    In the first Seminole War, caused by discomfort with runaway slaves congregating in Florida, General Andrew Jackson led the United States army against the Native Seminoles of America
  • James Monroe

    As President
  • The Treaty of Adams-Onis

    Florida was taken from Spain by the Treaty of Adams - Orness
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise, which divided the free and slave states on the Mason-Dixon Line, included the southern boundary of Pennsylvania and extended north along the Ohio River, laying the foundation for the future states to take shape on the acquired Louisiana territory
  • Monroe Doctrine

    The Monroe Doctrine declared intolerance of European interference in The affairs of the Americas, proclaimed the neutrality of the United States in European affairs, and established an Isolationist American foreign policy
  • John Quincy Adams

    As President
  • American English Dictionary

    Noah Webster's Dictionary of The American English is published with 70,000 entries
  • Andrew Jackson

    As President
  • Indian Removal Act

    President Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act, which moved all American Indians from lands east of Mississippi to Oklahoma.
  • An abolitionist newspaper

    William Lloyd Garrison began publishing the Abolitionist newspaper, the Liberator.
  • Turner uprising

    NAT Duner led a serf rebellion in Southampton County, Virginia
  • American Democracy

    Alexis DE Tocqueville's Democracy in America was published
  • The Second Seminole War

    Also known as the Florida War, the War took place in Florida from 1835 to 1842.The Second Seminole War was the most expensive Indian war ever waged by the United States.
  • Martin Van Buren

    as president
  • William Henry Harrison

    as president. Whig party. Died: April 4th, 1841
  • the Amistad Tria

    In the Amistad Trial, the United States Supreme Court ruled in favor of the West African prisoners
  • John Tyler

    as president
  • Morse code

    Samuel Morse sent the first telegraph message from Washington to Baltimore
  • Life of Frederick Douglass: The Autobiography of an American slave

    Life Narratives of Frederick Douglass: The Autobiography of an American Slave was published
  • James Knox Polk

    as president
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    Mexican-american War

    In the Mexican-american War, the United States gained territory from Texas to California in the southwest
  • Salt Lake City

    Brigham Young led the Mormon pioneers who founded Salt Lake City in Utah
  • gold

    Construction worker Michael Marshall discovered gold in Sutter Hills, California
  • The first women's Rights Conference

    Elizabeth Cady Stanton held the first women's rights convention in Seneca Falls, New York
  • washgold

    Thirty thousand people went west to Search for gold in California
  • Zachary Taylor

    as president
  • The Compromise of 1850

    At the request of the serfdom states, Congress passed a second Fugitive Slave Act, which stimulated the abolitionists and the Underground Railroad movement
  • Millard Fillmore

    as president
  • The sewing machine

    Isaac Singer invented the sewing machine
  • Uncle Tom's cabin

    Uncle Tom's cabin was published.To some extent, it intensified the local conflicts that led to the American Civil War
  • Franklin Pierce

    as president
  • Dred Scott case

    In 1857, the Supreme Court of the United States decided a case concerning slavery, which seriously damaged the prestige of the Supreme Court of the United States and became one of the key causes of the Civil War.
  • James Buchanan

    as president
  • John Brown

    John Brown's raid on the Hubble Ferry armory did not lead to a slave uprising.John Brown was arrested and executed on December 2
  • South Carolina passed a decree declaring the "Union which existed in the name of the United States of America between South Carolina and the other States" dissolved

  • The Southern states formed the Confederate States of America

    The Southern states formed the Confederate States of America, with Jefferson Davis as President.
  • Abraham Lincoln

    Lincoln was inaugurated as President of the United States
  • Homestead act

    For a registration fee of $10, all adults loyal to the Union could claim 64.74 hectares of land in the West and become owners after five years of working the land.Lincoln's government cracked down hard on counterrevolutionaries and purged the army of southern agents
  • Emancipation proclamation

    Emancipation was announced and black men were allowed to join the Union army
  • end of The civil war

    Lee's army was besieged by northern troops and forced to surrender to Grant.The Civil War ended.The Reunification of the United States
  • President Lincoln was assassinate

    President Lincoln was assassinated.The 13th Amendment went into effect, and slavery was abolished throughout the United States
  • Andrew Johnson

    as president
  • Ulysses Simpson Grant

    as president
  • The American Pacific Railroad was completed

    The Central Pacific railroad and the Union Pacific Railroad were linked at Prammonterey, Utah, completing a joint public-private transcontinental railroad
  • telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell and his colleagues tested the world's first working telephone
  • colorado

    Colorado joined the United States as the 38th state
  • mimeographing machine

    Thomas Edison patented an mimeograph machine.