
The History of the Telephone

  • Mar 7th, 1876 Patent Granted

    Mar 7th, 1876 Patent Granted
    Alexander Graham Bell was given his patent for his idea of the telephone in March 7th, 1876. Shortly after the patent was granted, the very first words were spoken successfully through the first ever telephone. These first words were “Mr. Watson, come here, I want to see you".
    (http://www.britannica.com/biography/Alexander-Graham-Bell) Video on the evolution of the telephone
  • Jan 1st, 1892 Candlestick Phone

    Jan 1st, 1892 Candlestick Phone
    Eventually Alexander Graham Bell improved the original phone he created by improving the model which was known as the candlestick. The patent on his original telephone was almost ready to expire, so what Bell did is he needed to improve upon his original model in order to face competition that are about to enter the telephone business. (http://oldtelephones.com/the-history/)
  • Jan 1st, 1896 Rotary Dial Telephone

    Jan 1st, 1896 Rotary Dial Telephone
    The first rotary dial phone which was created in 1896 and patented by John and Charles Erickson, and A.E. Keith. But it wasn't until 1919 when you could actually use the rotary phone. This phone was a revolution and made dialing much easier for the individual to use (http://www.visionlaunch.com/when-was-the-rotary-phone-invented/) (How the rotary dial was used example)
  • Oct 26th, 1947 The Cellular Concept is Born!!

    Oct 26th, 1947 The Cellular Concept is Born!!
    This concept was developed by Douglas Ring and Rae Young, both engineers and were inventors at a company called Bell Labs. They were the first to suggest the idea of a mobile telephone that could be used in cars. However, during this time they did not have the necessary resources, technology, or the radio frequencies to make progress on this idea. http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2011/09/the-1947-paper-that-first-described-a-cell-phone-network/245222/
  • Nov 18th, 1963 Touchtone Telephone

    Nov 18th, 1963 Touchtone Telephone
    In 1963 Bell Systems introduces the touch tone dialing telephone, which were the first ever phones with an electronic dialing system. It was far different from pulse dialing with the rotary dial telephone, now users could easily press which number they needed with just one push of a button. (http://www.edn.com/electronics-blogs/edn-moments/4424443/Tone-dialing-telephones-are-introduced--November-18--1963)
  • Jan 1st, 1966 Cordless Telephone

    Jan 1st, 1966 Cordless Telephone
    George Sweigert applied for a patent for the idea of the cordless telephone in 1966. However in 1980 Sony introduced the first cordless phone for purchase. This invention gave people and outlet for more freedom for people. People could freely use the phone and walk around the house and not having to be in one room to answer a call. However it had its negatives for example: Interference and the phones having a short battery life. (http://www.ligo.co.uk/blog/brief-history-cordless-phone/)
  • Apr 3rd, 1973 The First Cellular Phone

    Apr 3rd, 1973 The First Cellular Phone
    The first cell phone was created by a man named Martin Cooper who is often refered as the "father of the cell phone." It was 1973 and the first mobile phone call was made by Cooper. The reason this phone was so significant, was that it allowed people to use phones not only in their houses, but wherever they choose to! (http://www.knowyourmobile.com/nokia/nokia-3310/19848/history-mobile-phones-1973-2008-handsets-made-it-all-happen)
  • Jan 1st, 1992 The First Smartphone

    Jan 1st, 1992 The First Smartphone
    IBM’s Simon Personal Communicator created in 1992 was the first phone that combined the tools and purpose of a cell phone with a PDA. Its features included touch screen, internet capabilities, calendar and a address book. This phone revolutionized the world to the possibility of internet access and other major capabilities all in one's fingertips. However there were many safety issues with this phone and easily breaking. (http://pocketnow.com/2014/07/28/the-evolution-of-the-smartphone)
  • Jun 29th, 2007 iPhone

    Jun 29th, 2007 iPhone
    Apple Incorporated introduced the first iPhone on June 29th, 2007. The iPhone allowed people to use applications such as downloads, music playing capabilities, internet access, camera usage, a touch-screen, and many more. Today, this phone is seen as the most advanced and most popular phone in the world. (http://apple-history.com/iphone)
  • Jan 12th, 2032 Future Development

    Jan 12th, 2032 Future Development
    I predict that the future mobile phones will become a type of control over our lives, and perhaps one day mobile phones will literally run our lives for us. One thing is for certain, the technology involved in mobile phones and mobile networks has developed so rapidly over these few years the possibilities are endless.
  • Jan 7th, 2060 The Medium is the Message

    The telephone plays a huge part in all of our lives. The mediums is how we view our phones and how they mold us into who we are as people, and how we see the world. Certain mediums may be viewed in different ways, which to me is not allowing us to see the full picture. Phones have also desensitized us, and have taken away value in investing in real relationships with actual people! We are so focused on our phones that we don't even notice whats happening in our lives and what God needs us to do.