Period: to
Transcontinetal Telephone Line
On January 25, 1915, AT&T opened the first transcontinental telephone line across the United States. It was between Ney York City and San Francisco. Info: http://www.privateline.com/TelephoneHistory2/History2.html Picture: http://drive2.subaru.com/Sum05_Feature.htm -
Bell Systems
There was estimated ten million Bell system telephones throughout the United States. The company Bell was very popular back then. Info: http://www.nationalitpa.com/history-of-the-telephone.html Picture: http://logos.wikia.com/wiki/Bell_Telephone_Company -
Large Scale Automatic Switching Equipment
On November 8, 1919, AT&T last introduced the large scale automatic switching equipment to their telephones. Many other telephone companies already had this development. Info: http://www.privateline.com/TelephoneHistory2/History2.html Picture: http://www.wti.com/c-41-automatic-transfer-switch.aspx -
Commercial Panel Switch
The Bell System invented the first commercial panel switch in 1921. To most people and companies this was a very weird invention. Info: http://www.privateline.com/TelephoneHistory2/History2.html Picture: http://www.allsafe-electric.com/Commercial-Electric.php -
Alexander Graham Bell dies.
Alexander died on August 2, 1992. He died in Cape Breton Island, Canada. Info: http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/speech-transmitted-by-telephone Picture: http://www.capebretonexplorations.com/ -
The Commercial Long Distance Radio-Telephone Service
In January, 1927, a commercial Long Distance Radio-Telephone Service was introduced between countries. It was between U.S. and Great Britiain. Info: http://http://www.privateline.com/TelephoneHistory3A/TeleHistory3A.htm Picture: http://upgrd.com/aerospace/erin-go-bragh-aer-lingus-re-commits-to-north-america-and-long-haul-strategy.html -
The Candlestick Telephone
The Candlestick Telephone died out in the 30's. Alexander Graham Bell made a new and improved phone. Pictture: http://www.amazon.com/Crosley-CR64-BK-Candlestick-Button-Technology/dp/B0002Z2U6A Info: http://http://bgr.com /2013/12/13/telephone-timeline-a-brief-history-of-the-phone/ -
By the end of the 1930's, AT&T had15 million telephone services. They were in a good position with the people then. Info: http://www.telephonymuseum.com/History 1901-1940.htm Picture: http://www.ibrooklyn.com/Telecommunications/ATT-169592