2017 BCE
What is this text about?
The text talks about the evolution of the tecnology and how it can help to the blind people.
This text shows that technology is not only entertainment so it can be a tool that changes the world. -
2017 BCE
My opinion
I really like these projects because we really care about others, because we give better use the technology and because we inspire others to change the world. -
2017 BCE
Blind: ciego
Researcher: Investigador
Impairment: Discapacidad
Aloud: En voz alta
Signals-well: Buena transmision o señales. https://www.bbvaopenmind.com/tecnologia-para-invidentes-mas-alla-del-braille/ -
2015 BCE
3D Books
This project, made by researchers at the University of Colorado, they make children's books in a tactile experience with 3D printers. In this way, children with visual impairment can "touch" the stories while their parents read them. -
2015 BCE
Smart Glasses
The proyect was developed at Oxford University by el doctor Stephen Hick.
Intelligent glasses take the residual vision of the blind to allow them to orient and navigate in unfamiliar environments. The glasses use a camera system and software to detect nearby objects and present them in a recognizable way for the user. -
2014 BCE
The finger Reader
This project consists of a ring that recognizes the words, which pass to a program that reads them aloud. When the person moves the finger in each line, the ring emits signals-well, sounds or vibrations.
The ring, created by MIT Media Laboratory. -
1825 BCE
Braille system
This invent is an alphabet with a system of reading and writing by means of points. The way to read the Braille alphabet is to move the hand from left to right through each line. The Braille readers can read from 104 to 125 words per minute.
Louis Braille was the creator of this system and he decided to do it because when he was 15 years old he had an accident and he went blind.