Invention Of The Radio
Gullelmo Marconi was the inventer of the radio and invented it in 1895. -
Spark Gaps
Spark Gaps were what radios were called back then and were then used to transmit stuff from ship to ship with wireless comunication. -
First Radio Station
In Hawaii,the Marconi station was opened as the first radio station. And communicated to and from the 5 islands. -
A Greeting
Then, Theodore Rosedel and King Duard VII exchanged greetings over Marconi's radio station. -
Todays Update
The newest form of radio today, is the radio in your car. And is very trendy today. -
Work Cited
Works Cited
About.com. "The Invention Of Radio." About.com Inventors. About.com, 2013. Web. 12 Mar. 2013.
Doane001.jpg. "Doane001.jpg." Http://pics.tech4learning.com/details.php?img=doane001.jpg. N.p., 25 June 2007. Web. 12 Mar. 2013.
"Radio.jpg." Http://pics.tech4learning.com/details.php?img=radio.jpg. N.p., Sept. 1999.Web. 12 Mar. 2013. -
The Future
Our future prediction is in 2051, A radio will be able to fit on your ear and you could talk into it and it would go to the station that you told it to go to.