
The History of the New World

  • Sep 22, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Columbus found america
  • Period: Sep 22, 1492 to

    Back then to Now!

  • founding of jamestown

    founding of jamestown
  • Start of the Thirty Years' War

    Start of the Thirty Years' War
  • Pilgrims, after three-month voyage in Mayflowe

    Pilgrims, after three-month voyage in Mayflowe
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony

    Massachusetts Bay Colony
  • End of the Thirty Years' War

    End of the Thirty Years' War
  • navigation acts

  • The glorious revolution

  • start of french and inidian war

  • ending of the french and indian war

  • sugar act

  • stamp act

  • sons/daughters of liberty

  • townshed act

  • boston massacre

  • boston tea party

  • articles of confedration was drafted

  • Shay's Rebellion

  • Madison was elected to House of Judiciary

  • john adams was elected president

  • bitter election

  • Thomas Jefferson issuses Embargo

  • compromises on representation

  • war of 1812

  • battle of new orleans

  • Rush-Bagot agreement limited warships on Great Lakes

  • convention that set canada/us border