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The History of the Music

  • 1500

    Ancient Times

    Ancient Times
    Prehistoric Era: The earliest forms of music, likely involving vocalizations and rudimentary instruments like drums and flutes.
    c. 3000-2000 BCE: Ancient Mesopotamia; development of early musical notation and instruments such as lyres and harps.
    c. 1500 BCE: Ancient Egypt; use of music in religious rituals and ceremonies.
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    Baroque Period

    Baroque Period
    c. 1600-1750 CE: The Baroque era; development of tonality and the rise of instrumental music. Notable composers include Johann Sebastian Bach, George Frideric Handel, and Antonio Vivaldi.
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    Classical Antiquity

    c. 800-500 BCE: Ancient Greece; development of musical theory and notation by figures like Pythagoras and Aristotle. Music played a significant role in drama and education.
    c. 500 BCE-500 CE: Ancient Rome; adaptation of Greek music, development of instruments like the hydraulis (water organ).
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    Medieval Time

    c. 500-1000 CE: Early Medieval; use of Gregorian Chant and other monophonic forms of music.
    c. 1000-1400 CE: Development of polyphony and early forms of musical notation. Notable composers include Léonin and Pérotin.
    c. 1400-1600 CE: The Renaissance; emergence of more complex polyphony and the use of notation systems. Key figures include Josquin des Prez and Palestrina.