
The History of the Movie Camera! (without it how would we watch movies?)

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    The History of the Movie Camera!

  • The Invention of the Phenakistoscope

    The Invention of the Phenakistoscope
    In 1833 Joseph Plateau created the phenakistoscope. The phenakistoscope is a a rotating subject of a drawing that appears to move. This was the beginning of the invention of the movie camera.
    [ "Movie camera." In World of Invention. Gale, 2006. ]
  • Sequential Pictures

    Sequential Pictures
    In 1872 a man named Eadweard Muybridge used a "series of cameras to take sequential pictures of a running horse (World of Invention)." Why? Simply to make it it look as if the horse is moving.
    [ "Movie camera." In World of Invention. Gale, 2006. ]
  • Sequential Pictures, But Faster

    Sequential Pictures, But Faster
    In about 1978 Muybridge increased the camera shutter speed. It was a dramatic increase and allowed cameras to take pictures more rapidly. It also made it easier to view movement.
    [ "Movie camera." In World of Invention. Gale, 2006. ]
  • A Rapid Image

    A Rapid Image
    Around 1980 Muybridge introduced the Zoopraxiscope. What is a Zoopraxiscope you might ask? It is a camera which was made to rapidly take pictures!
    [ "Movie camera." In World of Invention. Gale, 2006. ]
  • The Photo Gun

    The Photo Gun
    In 1881 a gun was introduced, which was not just any gun! It was a photographic gun, made to take sequential pictures. The gun was easy to use and allowed images to quickly be recorded. The photographic gun made the images look as if they were moving! This was simply because images were taken very rapidly.
    [ "Movie camera." In World of Invention. Gale, 2006. ]
  • Now In Motion Pictures!

    Now In Motion Pictures!
    In 1889 William Dickson invented the kinetograph. The kinetograph is a motion picture camera! It might not seem like a big deal but this was huge at the time. Taking a video back then would be the coolest thing ever.
    [ "Movie camera." In World of Invention. Gale, 2006. ]
  • Projecting the Film

    Projecting the Film
    In 1894 the Luiere brothers invented a cinematographer. The cinematographer was a camera that was able to project the film. The cinematographer allowed a film to to be taped and then shown using a projector inside the camera.
    [ "Movie camera." In World of Invention. Gale, 2006. ]
  • Now in Theaters!!

    Now in Theaters!!
    In 1895, shortly after the introduction of the cinematographer, marked the beginning of the Cinema. Using the cinematographer to record and show videos to public viewers. The Cinema was made specially for movies and films.
    [ "Movie camera." In World of Invention. Gale, 2006. ]
  • In Different Speeds

    In Different Speeds
    In 1904 Pathe had refined cameras to shoot a film at multiple speeds. You could now see a film in slow motion or time laps. This was a great asset to filming because it helped interpret the scene.
    [ "Movie camera." In World of Invention. Gale, 2006. ]
  • Can You Hear Me Now!!!!!

    Can You Hear Me Now!!!!!
    In 1928 movies gained sound. This was a struggle for cameras because usually they didn't have to worry about noises from the bulky camera. Now you could hear it every where. To solve this problem they created a blip to prevent camera noises.
    [ "Movie camera." In World of Invention. Gale, 2006. ]
  • Color in the Film

    Color in the Film
    In 1935 color was added to films. Films began bursting with color. This was the one of the last big things of the movie camera. Adding color was the one of the biggest parts of the movie camera history.
    [ "Movie camera." In World of Invention. Gale, 2006. ]