Jan 1, 1000
The moon is born
About 4.5 billion years ago an object the size of Mars slamed into Earth. The impact was so great that a molten bloob from Earth flew into space. The molten bloob was caught in Earth's orbit. As this molten bloob orbited Earth it became round and slowly cooled off. That molten bloob became our moon. -
Mar 11, 1000
After birth
About 4 million years afer the moon formed its core was almost completly cooled off. -
Mar 5, 1300
Impact magnet
The moon is now a soild odject in space. It has its own gravitional pull on small objects. When astroids head to Earth they can get caught in the moon's gravitational pull and hit the moon instead of Earth. -
Thats one small step for a man, but a giant leap for man kind.
Niel Armstrong steps on the surface of the moon. He becomes the first human to set foot on the moon. -
water from Earth on the moon?
Water in a mineral state was found in moon rocks that were brought to Earth during the Apollo missions. Scienctists think that this water came from Earth. -
Magmatic water found on the moon
magmatic water has been found on the moon. This Maggmatic is water that originates from deep within the Moon -
The moon's crustal thickness
New imagees of the moon can tell us about the moon's crust. These images tell us that the moon's crust is about 124 miles thick. -
China made it to the moon
A moon rover named Jade Rabbit started its treck across The Sea of Rainbows after it was deployed.