First Mifflin Street Block Party
The first block party turned into a three-day riot that changed the course of Maison politics. Students protested the Vietnam war, this led to disagreement between radical UW-Madison students and the police. The riots spread all the way to the Southeast dorms, State Street and Langdon Street. This event exemplified anti-war sentiments that were occuring all around the country. -
Legalization of Block Parties
Madison passed an oridence to legalize block parties and street permits. -
First Legal Block Party
Between 600 and 1,000 party on MIfflin Street. No police attented the event; it was peaceful and successful. -
No Block Party
There was no block party this year. -
Largest Party to date
Around 10,000 attend the event. Mifflin is now also considered a fundraiser. -
Party in the Park
The block party was moved to Brittingham Park due to the larger crowds. One proposition to solve problems with the current block party is to move it to a local park. -
Mifflin on the Mall
To continue with experiments about location Mifflin was moved to library mall this year. The mayor of the time, Joel Skornicka, and City Council created this event. There was still a small neighborhood block party the day before on MIfflin Street. -
Police Presence Removed
This was the first Mifflin with no police presence. Co-op, who sponsored the event, hired four police officers. This event only cost the city 44 dollars compared to more than 1,000 dollars in the years past. There was more alcohol on the street this year. -
The city attempts to limit alcohol concession. To do this they only allow Co-Op to provide alcohol in an enclosed beer garden. Due to these regulations the Co-Op decides not to organize the block party this year. Co-Op makes this decision because it does not want to lose money. The party still occurs but police prohibit open alcohol on streets and public sidewalks. -
Deaths by Mifflin
Black-n-Tan Productions organizes the event this year. They have two stages for the new alcohol-free event. 25,000 people attend the event. Unfortunately, two people die in nearby alcohol-related crashes and a women is also sexually assaulted. -
Violence and Bonfires
Bonfires are set in the street and firefighters who try to halt the flames are attacked. 22 people were injured at this MIfflin and eight people were arrested. -
Record amount of people attend Mifflin
30,000 people attended the parties this year. The police is ready for this event and overly prepared due to dealing iwth vandalism at Halloween earlier that year. -
Saftey Measures
Houses on Mifflin Street date back to the 1920s. City inspectors began to check the porches and implemented regulations to ensure saftey at future MIfflin Street Block Parties. These regulations were due to previous accidnets that occured resulting in injuries of several students. The porches failed due to the weight of approximately 20 students. -
More Rules and Regulations
Police issue a four-keg limit for house parties, which is now reduced to three, glass containers are also ban on the street.