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The history of the internet

  • creation of the 1st automatic digital computer

    creation of the 1st automatic digital computer
    Charles Babbage created plans for a computer. The so called "analytical engine" in the mid 1830s and also started construction on it. However it was never completed. But some parts of his plans for a computer like that his computer had storage in order to store data would be applied in the design of modern computers.
  • The start of computer coding

    The start of computer coding
    The creator of coding was Ada Lovelace. A women who during the 1840's created the worlds first coding program for a computer that only existed on paper. She was able to do this after she discovered that a computer could be programmed to follow instructions. What we today would call a computer program.
    This discovery would prove to be a basis on how computers are coded.
  • Alan Turning - The father of computer science

    Alan Turning - The father of computer science
    In 1936 Alan Turning wrote a paper "on computable numbers with an application to the Entscheidungsproblem". This paper would become the foundation of computer science. In the paper Turning talked about a theoretical machine that could solve problems simply through coded paper instructions, he later build such a machine called the "Turning machine". Later on during WW2 Turning would contribute to building one of the worlds first modern computers in order to help Britain win the war
  • John Von Neuman-Creator of the modern computer architecture

    John Von Neuman-Creator of the modern computer architecture
    John von Neuman created a design for a computer. This design would give us a new understanding about how computers should be organized and built. It included stuff like a processing unit and a single separate storage to hold instructions and data.
    This model would become the basis on which most modern computers are designed on.
    It improved computers since it was a more logical design for how a computer should be organized and also made especially the part related to storage cheaper to make.
  • The creation of the computer mouse

    The creation of the computer mouse
    The inventor of the computer mouse was Douglas Engelbart. he created it in 1963-1964. It was a major step in the development of the computer. This was since it made it easier to use a computer and also made it much easier for ordinary people to use a computer. this was since before this innovation you had to use electronic switches or error prone keypunch cards in order to use a computer.
    Engelbart also contributed to computer technology in other ways like paving the way for text editing
  • The founding of Microsoft

    The founding of Microsoft
    Microsoft was founded in the year 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen.
    This would be huge since Microsoft would invent the world's best computer operating system, Windows. This would improve computers since Windows is compatible with almost all computer software programs like for example games. This helped make computers more popular since you could do more stuff on them.
  • Steve Wozniak-Co founder of Apple

    Steve Wozniak-Co founder of Apple
    Steve Wozniak co founded Apple with Steve Jobs in 1976.
    During his time at the company Wozniak designed the Apple 1 computer which had the ability to plug into any home television and keyboard. This made it the foundation for the modern desktop computer.
    Wozniak also designed the Apple 2 which had a central processing unit, colored graphics and a keyboard. These both inventions have made him a key contributor to the development of desktop PC computers.
  • Tim Berners-Le-Inventor of the World Wide Web

    Tim Berners-Le-Inventor of the World Wide Web
    Tim Berners-Le is a british computer scientist who invented the World Wide Web (WWW).This is a series of webpages intended for global information sharing like Google.
    Berners-Le invented the WWW after noticing that computers had problems sharing data. This was since all computers had different data and that data couldn't be shared with other computers.
    The WWW solved this by connecting documents together using hyperlinks and the internet, making it easier to access and share information online.