What are bonding internet connections

The History of the Internet

  • Packet Switching Method Developed

    Packet Switching Method Developed
    Paul Baran of RAND Corporation and Donald Davies of the National Physical Laboratory (UK) each independently developed the concept of packet switching, a key technology that underpins the internet.
  • ARAPNET Established

    ARAPNET Established
    The ARPANET, which stands for Advanced Research Projects Agency Network, is established by the U.S. Department of Defense's ARPA. The first message is sent between computers at UCLA and Stanford. ARPANET is the precursor to the modern internet.
  • Email Invented

    Email Invented
    Ray Tomlinson implemented the first email program on the ARPANET system. It was the first system able to send mail between users on different hosts connected to ARPANET.
  • SPAM is born

    SPAM is born
    The first spam email is sent.
  • DNS Introduced

    DNS Introduced
    Domain Name System, commonly known as DNS, is introduced, allowing for the use of readable domain names (like ".com" or ".org") instead of numerical IP addresses.
  • The WWW Goes Public

    The WWW Goes Public
    The World Wide Web becomes available to the public. The first website is created at CERN.
  • Surfing the Internet is Coined

    Surfing the Internet is Coined
    The term “surfing the internet”
    is coined and popularized.
  • The White House Goes Online

    The White House Goes Online
    The first White House website went live under the Clinton administration in 1994.
  • eCommerce is Born

    eCommerce is Born
    The rise of e-commerce begins with companies like Amazon and eBay launching
  • Internet Explorer Launched

    Internet Explorer Launched
    Internet Explorer is launched in 1995. Created by Thomas Reardon, for many years it was the dominant browser in terms of usage, mainly because it was the default browser on Windows machines, the most widely used desktop operating system.
  • First Viral Video Debuts

    First Viral Video Debuts
    The Dancing Baby, a 3D animation, becomes one of the first viral videos.
  • 1st Cellphone Uses Internet

    1st Cellphone Uses Internet
    Nokia releases the Nokia 9000 Communicator, the first cellphone with internet capabilities.
  • The Birth of Google

    The Birth of Google
    Google is officially launched and revolutionizes search engines.
  • Napster Revolutionizes Music on the Internet

    Napster Revolutionizes Music on the Internet
    MP3 downloading service Napster launches, overloading high-speed networks in college dormitories. Many colleges ban the service, and it is later shut down for enabling the illegal sharing of music files.
  • Dot-coms Sink

    Dot-coms Sink
    The dot-com bubble bursts, leading to the collapse of many early internet companies.
  • Xbox Live Launches

    Xbox Live Launches
    Microsoft launches Xbox Live, its online multiplayer gaming service, revolutionizing online gaming.
  • Anti-SPAM Act Signed into Law

    Anti-SPAM Act Signed into Law
    President George W. Bush signs the CAN-SPAM Act into law, establishing the first national standards for the sending of commercial email.
  • Facebook is Founded

    Facebook is Founded
    Facebook is founded, leading to the rise of social media. MySpace and LinkedIn had launched earlier but Facebook gained enormous popularity.
  • YouTube is Founded

    YouTube is Founded
    YouTube is founded, revolutionizing online video sharing. The first video, an explanation of what’s cool about elephants, is uploaded by co-founder Jawed Karim on April 23. Google acquires the company a year later.
  • First iPhone is Released

    First iPhone is Released
    The first iPhone is released, making mobile internet widely accessible and leading to the rise of mobile apps.
  • TikTok is Born

    TikTok is Born
    TikTok was launched. It became one of the world's most popular social media platforms, using recommendation algorithms to connect content creators with new audiences. In April 2020, TikTok surpassed two billion mobile downloads worldwide.
  • Covid Changes the Internet Forever

    Covid Changes the Internet Forever
    The COVID-19 pandemic leads to a surge in internet usage, remote work, online learning, and streaming services.
  • AI Takes Over the Internet

    AI Takes Over the Internet
    Advancements in AI and machine learning are integrated into many online services, including chatbots and recommendation systems.