The history of the internet

By Indelsa
  • military project

    military project
    The internet began as a military project.
  • Period: to


  • Arpanet

    Arpanet began when the government want to find a way to communicate in case of nuclear attack.
  • Arpanet for anyone

    in 1969, Arpanet was only for the military, but in 1970, Arpanet began to be for universities and research institutions.
  • TCP/IP protocol

    TCP/IP protocol
    The Internet was born thanks to the protocol's develope of TCP/IP
  • yahoo!

    In the 1990s many companies want to create search engines to help people find information easier
  • Tim Berners-Lee creation

    Tim Berners-Lee creation
    The most important break through created by Tim Berners Lee,making the use of internet easier.That's how websites were born and more and more people started using them
  • google

    Google appeareded, quickly becoming the most popular search engine
  • Period: to

    CENTURY 21

  • facebook

    Social media became popular faceboook appear
  • youtube

    After facebook, youtube appear
  • Apple

    The tecnology improved, in 2007 apple introduced the Iphone,allowing people to access the Internet from their phones anywhere
  • Netflix and Spotify

    Netflix and Spotify
    Apps for listening music and watch movies, This apps were created in 2010