Theodore Roosevelt and Attorney General Charles Bonaparte meet.
They meet for the first time and they agree that efficiency and expertise should determine who could best work for the government and it shouldn't be determined upon political connections. -
Progressive Era believed that government intervenion was necessary.
The Progressive Era was approx. from 1900 to 1918, found that government intervention was necessary because in was necessary to produce justice in an industrial society. It pretty much ooked like experts in all phases of industry and government to produce that just society. -
Teddy Roosevelt became President of the United States
Teddy Roosevelt appointed Bonaparte to be Attorney General
Bonaparte applied the Progressive philosophy to the Department of Justice by creating corps of Special Agents
The Progressive philosophy is that people are not picked to work for the government by political connects but by their hard work and expertise.
These corps of special agents didn't have a special name or run by anbody other then the general but they were the forerunners of the FBI. -
The impetus enacted a law preventing the Department of Justice form engaging Secret Service operatives
By 1907 the Department of Justice more frequently caled upon Secret Srvice and Bonaparte was mad because they reported to the chief of Secret Service and not himself. He was frustrated about this so he got Congress to provide a impetus for himself to have his own force. So in May the impetus enacted law preventing the Department of Justice from engaging Seret Service operatives. -
Attorney General Bonaparte appointed a force of special agents within the Department of Justice
Bonaparte ordered the special agents to report to Chief Examiner Stanle W. Finch.
This action is celebrated as the beginning of the FBI. -
Attorney General Bonaparte and PresidRoosevelt at the end of their term.
They recommened that the force of 34 agents become a permanent part of the Department of Justice. -
Attoney General George Wickersham, Bonaparte's successor, named the force the Bureau of Investigation
At that time, the name of the Chief Examiner was changed to Chief of the Bureau of Investigation.