The Earliest Exosuit-like Device Invented
In 1890, the earliest exosuit-like device was made. It was a set of walking, jumping, and running assisted apparatus developed by a Russian named Nicholas Yagn. -
The Pedomotor Inventor
In 1917, the U.S. inventor Leslie Kelly developed a pedomotor, which operated on steam power with artificial ligaments acting in parallel to the movements of the user, so energy could be generated apart from him/her. -
The First True Exosuit
In the 1960s, the first true exosuit, in the sense of being a mobile machine integrated with human movement, was co-developed by General Electric and the United States Armed Forces. -
The idea for The LIFESUIT became a thing
Monty Reed, a United States Army Ranger, broke his back in a parachute accident. In the hospital, he deigned an exosuit called The LIFESUIT. -
The Lifesuit was invented
Monty Reed invented The LIFESUIT. -
The Human Gait could be recreated
The LIFESUIT MK 6 could recreate a human gait. -
St. Patrick's Day Footrace
THE LIFESUIT MK 12 was used in the foot race, called the Saint Patrick's Day Dash in Seattle, Washington.