Period: to
The history of the Catholic church in Australia
The first fleet.
The first fleet lands in Australia along with the first-ever Catholics. -
The first public mass in Australia
The first official priests make it to Australia
Fathers Therry and Conolly arrive in Australia. -
Construction of the first Church
In 1821 the construction of the first Catholic church in Australia took place in Richmond,Tasmania -
Bede Polding becomes the first bishop
Bede Polding becomes The first Australian bishop -
Mary McKillop was born
St.Vincent hospital opens
Mercy sisters arrive in Queensland
The sisters of St.Joseph are founded
Founded by Mary McKillop and fr. Julian Tenison woods. -
First permanent St. vincent de Paul Society in Australia
Death of Mary McKillop
The knights of the southern cross are founded.
The National Eucharist congress in melbourne
WWII end many Europeans enter Australia.
The Australian Catholic University is formed