The History of the camera 1976-1991

  • William Eggleston

    William Eggleston
    William takes the red ceiling photograph and it becomes one of his most famous photographs
  • Kodak makes the frist CCD based digtal still camera

    Kodak makes the frist CCD based digtal still camera
    Kodak builds the first working CCD-based digital still camera. The prototype was the size of a toaster and captures black and white images at a resolution of 10,000 pixels
  • Point and shoot

    Point and shoot
    Konica introduces first point-and-shoot, autofocus camera.
  • Frist consumer camcorder

    Frist consumer camcorder
    Sony demonstrates first consumer camcorder.
  • Nikon relased the frist auto focus camera

    Nikon relased the frist auto focus camera
    In 1983 Nikon relased the F3Af, there frist auto focusing camera
  • Digital imaging processor

    Digital imaging processor
    Pixar introduces digital imaging processor
  • Adobe Photoshop is released

    Adobe Photoshop is released
    The graphics editing programme Adobe Photoshop is released.
  • Kodak introduces Professional DCS

    Kodak introduces Professional DCS
    The Kodak Professional Digital Camera System (DCS) is introduced.