
The history of the atomic theory

By obeidi
  • 460


    Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything
    else is opinion.” - Democritus 460–370 B.C.
  • Issac Newton

    Issac Newton
    Proposed a mechanical universe with small solid masses in motion.
  • John Dalton

    John Dalton
    Proposed an "atomic theory" with spherical solid atoms based upon measurable properties of mass.
  • JJ Thompson

    JJ Thompson
    Discovered electrons using Cathode Ray Tube experiment. He also determined the charge to mass ratio (e/m) of an electron =1.759 x 10^ 8 coulombs/gram.
  • R.A Millikan

    R.A Millikan
    He determined the charge (e=1.602 x 10 -^19 coulomb) and the mass (m = 9.11 x 10 -28 gram) of an electron in his oil drop experiment
  • Ernest Rutherford

    Ernest Rutherford
    Using alpha particles as atomic bullets, probed the atoms in a piece of thin (0.00006 cm) gold foil . He established that the nucleus was: very dense,very small and positively charged. He also assumed that the electrons were located outside the nucleus.
  • Neils Bohr

    Neils Bohr
    Developed an explanation of atomic structure that underlies regularities of the periodic table of elements. His atomic model had atoms built up of sucessive orbital shells of electrons.
  • De Broglie

    De Broglie
    Discovered that electrons had a dual nature-similar to both particles and waves. Particle/wave duality. Supported Einstein.
  • Heisenberg

    Described atoms by means of formula connected to the frequencies of spectral lines. Proposed Principle of Indeterminancy - you can not know both the position and velocity of a particle.
  • Schrodinger

    Viewed electrons as continuous clouds and introduced "wave mechanics" as a mathematical model of the atom.
  • James Chadwick

    James Chadwick
    Using alpha particles discovered a neutral atomic particle with a mass close to a proton. Thus was discovered the neutron.