The town known as "The Blue City of Paradise" was officially recognized
Around half of the French soldiers returned to France and explained to King Louis XIV about the wonderful island they discovered when searching for prime land to found a new colony. -
The land that would become TCRC was discovered by French Soldiers
French Soldiers along with a population of 7,500 French civilians land ashore on a tropical island with lush forests and wildlife. -
The Blue City of Paradise received its' first ruler with a French Nobleman named Léonard Cazenave being named the king of this small colony
Léonard Cazenave was a wealthy French Nobleman who was very friendly with King Louis XIV and as a result was gifted the small colony to rule as the French King did not expect the colony to grow or become profitable. Léonard Cazenave was extremely narcissistic and egotistical with him becoming extremely excited with the idea of him governing his own kingdom. -
The Blue City of Paradise gains more citizens as the city increases due to its natural beauty and resources attracting many French Nobles
The city gained traction with incredible amounts of nobles purchasing land in the city as a sort of vacation destination with these nobles often being friendly with Léonard -
Two men named Sebastian Blondeau and Damien Cazanave were born
Two men who would become important to the history of The Constitutional Republic of the Caribbean were born with one named Sebastian being born to a French woman and a Catholic priest while the other Damien was born to the king of the city and his favorite servant. Damien's childhood was especially horrific with his father often becoming drunk and enraged by the citizens' behavior and attitude towards him and his rich compatriots that he began to Damien's Mother. -
The majority of land in the city has been colonized by French Nobles with the original founders being slowly pushed out of the society
As increasing amounts of French Nobles arrive the original 7,500 people who came to the island which has now dwindled down to 5,000 due to lack of space and food. The French Nobles had begun to reserve seafood for themselves and began to overfish in the nearby waters with the original citizens sustaining themselves off of Lobster and Pineapples. -
Young men began to be sent off to aid the 13 colonies who were fighting for their independence from France
More of the original citizens and their children were being drafted and sent off to aid French and Colonist soldiers in fighting against Great Britain. This enraged the local populous who were not seeing any positive results from aiding what would become America. The dissenters began to be captured and tortured in front of the entire city including Sebastian's own father and brother Julien and Renaud. -
Sebastian discovered his mother had joined the local rebellion known as "Guerriers de la flamme et de la mer de Dieu" or "God's Warriors of the Flame and Sea"
Sebastian later joined the resistance alongside his mother against her wishes but was allowed to enter the 1,000 member rebellion. -
Sebastian became leader of the rebellion while Damien was crowned as king of The Blue City of Paradise
While in the rebellion Sebastian met and fell in love with a woman named Chloé Bouthillier who was born to French nobles and the relationship between the two blossomed. -
Sebastian assassinated the new king Damien after discovering his wife in bed with him acting as a French spy in the rebellion
Sebastian after being invited into Damien's home surrounded by other French nobles' estates discovered his wife in bed with Damien and learned about how she was a spy planted by Damien to catch and later execute the rebels. Sebastian after learning of this information snuck out while the two were asleep and destroyed the closing mechanism of the drawbridge to enter the estate allowing the soldiers in the rebellion to enter and capture many nobles. -
The Constitutional Republic of the Caribbean was officially founded by Sebastian after usurping power from Damien
Many of the nobles who were captured were tortured in view of the town including Damien and Sebastian's own wife Chloé with the former being skinned alive in view of the public and the latter burned at the stake. The other nobles were enslaved while the few sympathetic to the rebellion were allowed freedom with an increased taxation rate. Sebastian taking influence from their previous American allies merged elements of the American and future French systems of government.