Space 2

The History of Space Exploration

  • Sputnik Launched

    Sputnik Launched
    The Soviet Union launched the first satellite, sputnik into space
  • National Aeronautics & Space Administration

    National Aeronautics & Space Administration
    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is established in the U.S. It replaces the National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics
  • Luna 3

    Luna 3
    Luna 3 trans-tar satellite is launched, orbiting the man and photographing no percent of the far side of the moon
  • Friendship 7

    Friendship 7
    Project Mercury carries John H. Glenn, Jr. and orbits the Earth three times
  • Gemini Program

    Gemini Program
    First manned flight of the Gemini program a Gemini 3 carry Virgil 1. Gris, Sam and John W. made three orbits around the sun
  • Soviet Venera 3

    Soviet Venera 3
    Soviet Venera 3 impacts on Venus, the first spacecraft to reach another planet. It fails to return data
  • Lunar Orbiter 1

    Lunar Orbiter 1
    U.S. Lunar Orbiter 1 enters moon orbit, and takes the first picture of the Earth from the distance of the moon
  • Apollo 8

    Apollo 8
    First Apollo to use the Saturn V rocket. Frank Borman, James A. Levell Jr. and William A. Anders orbited the moon ten times then returned safely
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin Jr. make the first manned soft landing on the moon, and the first moonwalk, using Apollo 11
  • Mariner 6

    Mariner 6
    Mariner 6 returns high resolution images of the Martin surface, connecting on the equatorial region
  • Apollo 13

    Apollo 13
    On there way to the moon , James A. Loevell Jr. ,John Swigert.,and Fred W., Haise Jr ., have an oxygen tank explosion . moon landing is not accomplish but astronauts return safely to Earth.
  • Skylab Workshop

    Skylab Workshop
    Skylab Workshop is launched by the U.S. and maintained by 3 people
  • Apollo 18

    Apollo 18
    Apollo 18 and Soyuz 19 doc and becomes the first international spacecraft rendezvous and space
  • (STS-6)

    The Space shuttle challenger lifts off for its first mission (STS-6) and has the first american space walk in years . crew Paul Weite, Kara Bolbko, Donald Peterson
  • STS-7

    STS-7 -challenger `mission launched the first American women in space -Sally K. Ride