
The History of Space Exploration

  • Spudnik 1

    Spudnik 1
    Spudnik 1 was the first human made object to go to space.
  • First human

    First human
    In April of 1961 the first man had left the planet and orbited it. This was during the space race between America and the U.S.S.R. This was really important because it proved we can go to space and survive the trip.
  • The ISS

    The ISS
    On November 11th, 1998 the ISS lunched into orbit. They had to assemble it over time but the main peace's where lunched and put together on this date.
  • Voyager 1

    Voyager 1
    On August 25th, 2021 Voyager 1 reached interstellar space and it's the farthest thing we have outside of Earth and is still going to this very day.
  • Falcon 9

    Falcon 9
    If you where to go into space like to Mars it would be a one way trip. On December 9th, 2015 SpaceX made the very first rocket that can be reused. This rocket turns a one way trip into a 2 way trip and changed space exploration for ever.
  • The Parker Probe

    The Parker Probe
    On April 28th, 2021 the Parker probe touched the sun. It made it into the chrono sphere which is the point in the Suns atmosphere where the gravity is no longer the domont force and where the material can escape.
  • Inspiration 4

    Inspiration 4
    On September 15th, 2021 the team that made up inspiration 4 lunched into high earth orbit. The crew was the first crew to go to space with no perfectional astronauts on bored. They spent 3 day doing task and experiencing 0G. It was to show that you don't need to be a astronaut to go to space.
  • James Webb Telescope

    James Webb Telescope
    On December 24th, 2021 the James Webb Telescope lunched from earth and is currently heading to the L2 orbit point. It will capture the first clear pictures of Sagittarius A and the Adremena galaxy.